Äpfelbach (churches)

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Äpfelbach is a hamlet in the town of Kirchen (Sieg) in northern Rhineland-Palatinate in the Altenkirchen district .

The hamlet is about 10 km from the city of Kirchen between Friesenhagen and Wingendorf / Katzwinkel on Landesstrasse 279. Whether Äpfelbach should still be part of the Westerwald is questionable, it is more likely to be in the Siegerland .

Due to its high location, about 380 m above sea ​​level , there are excellent views. In an easterly direction you can see the gable forest . If the weather is good, you can see the Siebengebirge in the Rhineland in a westerly direction and the Westerwald in a south-westerly direction.

Äpfelbach has 28 residents (19 adults, 3 young people and 6 children) who are spread over six residential buildings.

There are also six ponds in the valley.

The inhabitants live mainly from agriculture and timber .

The power supply runs through the RWE network. Water and sewage are regulated in the village itself. On the one hand through deep drilling and on the other hand through a plant treatment plant.