Eric Chevillard

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Éric Chevillard (born June 18, 1964 in La Roche-sur-Yon , in the Vendée department , France ) is a French author.


Chevillard graduated from the École supérieure de journalisme de Lille , Département Nord . Since the 1980s, many of his works have been published by Éditions de Minuit in Paris. His writing style is shaped by the fact that he playfully changes the rules of storytelling in such a way that it is sometimes difficult to follow the course of events. Some literary critics refer to his style as postmodern literature .

Chevillard has been a blogger since 2007 . In his blog called L'Autofictif , he writes three short messages or fragments of two to eight lines each day. He describes himself in his blog so that the outlines of his personality can be seen. As the contents of his blog are regularly deleted, he is publishing them word for word for the first time since 2009 in journals published by L'Arbre vengeur . So far, six of these journals have been printed covering the period from 2007 to 2013.

Awards and honors

  • Prix ​​Fénéon 1993 for La Nébuleuse du crabe .
  • Prix ​​Alexandre Vialatte for his complete works.

Publications (selection)

  • Mourir m'enrhume . Editions du Minuit, Paris 1987.
  • Le Démarcheur . Minuit, Paris 1990.
  • Palafox . Minuit, Paris 1990.
    • Palafox. Novel. Translated by Ulrike Peters-Kania. Residence, Salzburg 1993 ISBN 3-7017-0836-3
  • Le Caoutchouc décidément . Minuit, Paris 1992 ISBN 978-2-707314185
  • La Nebuleuse du crabe . Minuit, Paris 1993.
  • Préhistoire , Minuit, Paris 1994
  • Au plafond . Minuit, Paris 1997
  • Le Vaillant Petit Tailleur . Minuit, Paris 2003
  • Scalps. Fata Morgana, Paris 2004
    • Excerpt: The Moles, in Capture the current state of things. Contemporary literature from France. die horen , 62, 267, autumn 2017
  • Dans la zone d'activité, designed by Fanette Meillier. Dissonances, Paris 2007 ISBN 978-2-91407-950-1
  • Pélopponèse . Fata Morgana, Paris 2013
  • Le Désordre azerty . Minuit, Paris 2014
  • Juste ciel . Minuit, Paris 2014, ISBN 978-2-707328618
  • Les Théories de Suzie , with Jean-François Martin. Helium, 2015
  • Défense de Prosper Brouillon . Illustr. Jean-Francois Martin. Les Éd. Noir sur Blanc, Paris 2017

Web links


  1. Peters-Kania in the translator database of the VdÜ , 2017