Räbke oil mill

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Location of the mill on the mill ditch with a gradient from the former mill jam

The Räbke oil mill was an overshot water mill on the Schunter mill ditch in Räbke in the Helmstedt district .


The oil mill was built on an agricultural property which, according to the Räbker Erbenzinsregister 1613, belonged to Heinrich Hoffmann. In 1683 and 1726 there was a post mill in the courtyard that emerged from a grinding mill . From around 1725 the post mill became an oil mill, the owner of which had the right to harvest oil. The mill was located on the mill ditch, which monks of the Helmstedt monastery St. Ludgeri branched off from the Schunter at the beginning of the 13th century and led through the village on a contour line. The former mill building is located at the point where the mill ditch falls several meters like a waterfall. The water wheel is no longer available today.

Location of the mill on the Schunter, 1754

The mill is shown on a map of Räbke and the surrounding area made as part of the Braunschweig General Land Survey of 1754. At the time, almost 570 people lived in the village's 84 residential buildings.

In 1908 Heinrich Willecke acquired the farm with the oil mill, which he operated until it was closed in 1914. Farmers from Räbke and the surrounding area supplied oil seeds from poppy seeds , rape and beechnuts and received oil in return. After the end of the war in 1918, the mill was reopened due to a lack of fat and finally shut down as an oil mill in 1925. After the mill ceased operations, the mill's oil press was sold to an agricultural machinery dealer in Königslutter , where it was used for steel pressing. Until the Second World War , the mill was used for grinding grain.

According to the Räbker mill register from 1939, the mill was on a farm. At that time it was already out of order. The water wheel was still there and was used for chopping for their own farm. Under the mill there were rooms that served as an air raid shelter .

In 1964, the water fair with the rights and obligations to maintain the mill ditch was revoked from the farm . The pan mill went to the Gifhorn Mill Museum in the 1960s .

See also


  • Wilhelm Kleeberg: Räbke in: Niedersächsische Mühlengeschichte , Hanover 1978, Schlütersche , p. 387
  • Förderverein Räbker Chronik: (Ed.): The oil mill in Schaperstrasse in: Räbke. Ein Dorf am Elmesrand , Helmstedt 2005, pp. 13-16

Web links

Commons : Ölmühle Räbke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 11 ′ 46.2 ″  N , 10 ° 52 ′ 43.6 ″  E