Ömer Naci Soykan

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Ömer Naci Soykan (born February 10, 1945 in Rize ; † December 4, 2017 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish philosopher and author .


Soykan studied philosophy , sociology and classical philology at the Philosophical Faculty of Istanbul University . Parallel to his studies in Turkey, he took part in philosophical courses as a guest student at the University of Hamburg .

He received his doctorate from the University of Istanbul in 1982 with a dissertation on "Forms of Being and Art in Schelling". In the same year he became a research assistant at the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts in Istanbul. In 1988 he was appointed lecturer, 1996 university professor and in 2006 he was appointed "constituent chairman" of the philosophy department of the same university, where he worked until 2013.

He has published 17 books, including “Philosophy and Language”, “Art as a Unity of Theory and Practice”, “Philosophical View from Turkey” (4 volumes), “Studies” (2 volumes). He published articles in Turkish, German and English on epistemology , philosophy of language and aesthetics in international research journals , a total of around 200 articles. He has lectured in Germany, Austria, Hungary and the United States. From January 1 to June 30, 2001 he was invited by the University of New York (NYU) as a “Visiting Scholar” in the USA. He was a member of the Philosophical Institute of Turkey and the Turkish Society for Philosophy, the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society and the International Schelling Society.


  • Mehmet Akkaya: Ö. Naci Soykan'la Söyleşi. In: İnsancıl. 08 (2001), pp. 30-42.

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  1. biography