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The Öxit (sometimes also Auxit ) describes the hypothetical exit of Austria from the European Union . In 2016, Öxit was the bad word of the year . The term was used as part of a campaign by Hans-Peter Haselsteiner during the federal presidential election in Austria in 2016 . Despite the occasional use of the term in the media, the word Öxit has never entered common usage.


The separation from the European Union, which the Freedom Party of Austria often discussed, and which could also mean an exit from the euro, was presented in the past as its economic policy concept. The defeated presidential candidate Norbert Hofer said in July 2016 that he could envisage a referendum on leaving the EU if Turkey joins the European Union or the EU develops into a more centralized union. Hofer would see a current exit from the EU as serious damage.

The former chief economist of the Institute for Advanced Studies , Christian Keuschnigg , stated that the economic consequences of an Öxit would be exactly contrary to the positive effects of Austria's accession to the European Union. A saving of the Austrian net contribution payments, which at 1.24 billion euros make up almost 0.4 percent of GDP annually, would be offset by the loss of the additional level of prosperity that has been generated up to now, which is currently 7.2 percent of GDP. Although a positive employment effect can be achieved in the short term, these additional jobs would have to be in the area of ​​customs and to establish and overcome trade barriers, such as separate permits, safety regulations and labeling obligations, which would be a competitive disadvantage for Austria's export-oriented economy.

Parties that support an Öxit are the EU exit party , the Alliance of Neutral Free Austria , the Party of Labor Austria , the Free List Austria , the Free Home Party , parts of the KPÖ and the Christian voter community . The Stronach team was in favor of an exit from the euro currency.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. WZ Online, APA, dpa: Öxit named "Unword of the Year" in the Wiener Zeitung on December 9, 2016, accessed on May 24, 2017
  2. ^ New comrades-in-arms for Haselsteiner's anti-Hofer campaign . In: The press . ( diepresse.com [accessed December 14, 2017]).
  3. That's what Hofer really thinks about the Öxit at oe24.at, accessed on May 23, 2017
  4. What if? The fatal consequences of an Öxit on diepresse.com, accessed on May 23, 2017