Hawthorn-leaved apple

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Hawthorn-leaved apple
Malus florentina2.jpg

Hawthorn-leaved apple ( × Malosorbus florentina )

Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Spiraeoideae
Tribe : Pyreae
Sub tribus : Pome fruit family (Pyrinae)
Type : Hawthorn-leaved apple
Scientific name
× Malosorbus florentina
( Zuccagni ) Browicz
Fruits and leaves

The hawthorn-leaved appleMalosorbus florentina ) is a genus bastard from the wood apple ( Malus sylvestris ) and the service tree ( Sorbus torminalis ).


The hawthorn-leaved apple is a small, rounded tree . The branches are shaggy and hairy. The leaves are lobed like hawthorns. In autumn they turn orange-scarlet. 2 to 6 flowers are arranged in shaggy, hairy inflorescences. The flowers are 2 inches wide and white. The plant blooms profusely. The fruits have a diameter of 1 centimeter and are broadly elliptical and red. The pulp contains stone cells.

The flowering period extends from May to June.


The hawthorn-leaved apple is found in Italy , the southern part of the former Yugoslavia , Greece and Turkey . In Central Europe it is rarely used as an ornamental plant in protected locations.


The hawthorn-leaved apple ( Malosorbus × florentina (Zucc.) Browicz ) is a cross between wood apple ( Malus sylvestris ) and service tree ( Sorbus torminalis ) and is therefore a bastard of the genus . Its systematic position was unclear for a long time, it was placed among others in the genera Crataegus (as Crataegus florentina Zucc. ), Malus (as Malus florentina (Zucc.) Schneider ) and Sorbus (as Sorbus florentina (Zucc.) Hedlund ).

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Commons : Hawthorn-Leaved Apple  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files