Đuro Daničić

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Đuro Daničić (1876)

Đuro Daničić ( Serbian - Cyrillic Ђуро Даничић , also under the first name Đura , originally Đorđe Popović ; born April 6, 1825 in Novi Sad , † November 17, 1882 in Zagreb ) was a Serbian philologist .

Daničić studied linguistics in Vienna , became librarian at the National Library in Belgrade in 1856 and professor of literary history at the local Lyceum in 1859.

When he lost his job in 1865 because of his liberal views, he settled in Zagreb , where he was appointed secretary by the South Slav Academy . He lived there until his death. In 1863 he was accepted as a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg .

His first work was: Rat za srpski jezik i pravopis (Ofen 1847), in which he revealed himself to be an able Slavic linguist. Other important writings by him are: Mala srpska gramatika (1850), Srpska sintaksa (1858) and Oblici srpskoga jezika (1863). With the help of Prince Michael of Serbia and his wife Julie, who taught Serbian to Daničić, the latter was able to publish the large old Serbian dictionary Rječnik iz kniževnih starina srpskih (1863-64, 3 vols.). Daničić also took care of the publication of several old Serbian writings and helped Vuk Karadžić with the publication of his dictionary and his national songs.


  • Rat za srpski jezik i pravopis (Ofen 1847)
  • Mala srpska gramatika. U Beču 1850; Munich: Sagner, 1983.
  • Srpska sintaksa (1858)
  • Oblici srpskoga jezika (1863).
  • Istorija oblika srpskoga ili hrvatskoga jezika do svršetka XVII vijeka. Biograd 1874; Munich: Sagner, 1981.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1724. Đuro Daničić. Russian Academy of Sciences, accessed August 24, 2015 (Russian).