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The suffix -zid denotes an act of killing. Examples are:

  • Suicide , earlier often called suicide, sometimes also called euphemistically suicide
  • Homicide suicide: Suicide after killing another person before or at the same time
Stranger killing by humans
  • Androzid : killing a man because of the quality of being a man
  • Deicide : murder of god
  • Democide : deliberate mass killings of certain groups of people by a government
  • Ethnocide : cultural genocide
  • Femicide : killing a woman for the quality of being a woman
  • Fetocide : the killing and removal of one or more fetuses from the womb
  • Filicide : killing children over the age of one year
  • Fratrizid : fratricide
  • Genderzide : systematic and massive killing of members of a specific gender
  • Genocide : genocide
  • Homicide : killing another person
  • Homicide suicide: Suicide after killing another person before or at the same time
  • Homocide : either the murder of people or even the annihilation of all humanity
  • Infanticide: infanticide
  • Neonaticide : killing a newborn baby
  • Matrizid : killing of a mother by her son or daughter
  • Ecocide : Genocide through the ecological destruction of the natural basis of life
  • Parenticide : killing one's own parents
  • Patricide : killing of one's own father by the son or daughter
  • Regicide : regicide
  • Sororicide : sister murder
  • Tyrannicide : tyrannicide
  • Xenocide : Extinction of an Otherworldly Species
Foreign killing by animals

The suffix -zid denotes agents / chemicals used to kill, inhibit or displace. Examples are:

See also:

Wiktionary: -zid  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations