11:11 phenomenon

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11:11:11 Example of perception

Under 11: 11-phenomenon understand Esoteriker a phenomenon in the field of suprasensible . It describes the perception of symmetrical sequences of numbers such as 11:11 (but also 22:22, 23:32, 02:20 etc.) in an accumulation that cannot be explained by mere coincidence . This phenomenon occurs periodically and creates a feeling of importance in the person concerned . In the meantime, various superstitious attempts to explain this perception have grown up. The artist Uri Geller in particular made the subject known outside of the esoteric scene.



Esotericists see a significant "sign" in the increased perception of symmetrical sequences of numbers. The events are usually assigned to the spectrum of synchronicity .


From a scientific point of view, subjectively accumulated perceptions of certain things are usually a process of selective perception . This cognitive psychological process has generally been well researched. It is a psychological phenomenon in which only certain aspects of the environment are perceived and others are ignored. Selective perception can u. a. caused by priming , framing . It is based on the human ability to perceive and recognize patterns . The brain is constantly on the lookout for patterns in order to be able to incorporate new information into already existing ones. Selective perception is the continuous search for a specific pattern. An example of selective perception is the phenomenon that arguments that support one's own position are perceived more strongly than those that damage it.

A separate scientific study of the 11:11 phenomenon has not yet been carried out, as it is irrelevant from a scientific point of view on the one hand and is covered by current scientific findings on the other.

Cultural reception

The number sequence 11:11 is also the basis of their esoteric meaning pop culture rezipiert been, such as in the horror movies 11-11-11 - The gateway to hell and 11/11/11 - The Omen returns . Furthermore, numerous pieces of music and albums bear the title “11:11”, for example by Sasha Sökol , Regina Spektor , Maria Taylor and Rodrigo y Gabriela .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. George Barnard: The Search for 11:11. A Journey into the Spirit World. 11:11 Publishers, 2004.
  2. Solara: 11:11. Inside the doorway. Star-Borne Unlimited, 1992
  3. 11:11 Phenomenon - The Digital Code of Our Reality , accessed April 1, 2014
  4. Dual Souls - My Atlantis ( Memento from July 18, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on April 1, 2014
  5. Uri Geller: The 11:11 phenomenon , accessed April 1, 2014
  6. The 11:11 Phenomenon , accessed April 1, 2014
  7. 11:11 Synchronicity Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning , accessed April 1, 2014
  8. How to Manifest Synchronicity , accessed April 1, 2014