ALEX - Historical legal and legal texts online

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Historical legal and legal texts online
[[File: | center | 250x250px | Website-Logo]]
Retrodigitization and online database of Austrian Legalia
languages German (until 1918 also others)
editorial staff Austrian National Library
Registration No
On-line 2006 (other language editions: 2009)

Under the name ALEX - Historical Legal and Legal Texts Online, the Austrian National Library retro-digitizes historical legal sources and makes them available online free of charge.

The ÖNB cooperates with educational and cultural institutions as well as legislative bodies and authorities of the federal and state governments. ALEX emerged from the Anno (Austrian Newspapers Online) initiative and received its own internet platform in autumn 2006. At the end of 2009, ALEX had around 2,600,000 digitized pages.

In addition to the national Austrian legislation from 1780 ( Justice Law Collection , Political Law Collection , Reich, State and Federal Law Gazettes ) and the provincial legislation (of the federal states), which also includes editions of the Reich Law Gazette in other languages ​​of Old Austria , there are also Parlamentaria (stenographic minutes of the House of Representatives and the mansion of the Reichsrat , the Provisional and Constituent National Assemblies of German Austria and the National Council 1920–1933 and the Estates Parliament 1934–1938) in the portal. State law texts can be searched by year, page, date or title of the law.

Applicable Austrian law, on the other hand, can be found almost entirely as a digital text in the legal information system (RIS) of the Austrian Federal Chancellery .


Since March 2011 it has been possible to search the tables of contents for over 230,000 laws in seven different languages ​​from the years 1848 to 1995. The national legislation in the languages ​​German, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Slovene also includes laws written in both Latin and Cyrillic script. With the offer of the search, the search for laws is much easier, since the exact place in the legal gazette no longer has to be known.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Josef Pauser: ALEX - Historical legal and legal texts online . In: Erich Schweighofer et al. (Ed.): 10 Years of IRIS: Balance Sheet and Outlook . Richard Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-415-03962-9 , p. 222–230 , here p. 224 ( chapter Open Access [PDF; accessed on April 16, 2018]).
  2. Search in tables of contents