Abd al-Qadir Maraghi

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Abd al-Qadir al-Maraghi (bin Ghaybi) ( Arabic عبد القادر المراغى, DMG ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Marāġī , also Persian عبد القادر مراغه اى, DMG ʿAbdolqāder-e Marāġe'ī , b. around 1350 in Maragha ; died 1435 in Samarkand ) was a Persian musician and music theorist.

Abd al-Qadir initially lived in Herat and became a musician at the court of the Jalairid ruler Hussain, who ruled from 1374 to 1382 in Baghdad, after a composition ordered by Hussain, who was in Tabriz at the time, was performed and awarded a prize. Under Sheikh Hussain's successor, Sultan Ahmad, he rose to head the court musicians. When Timur conquered Baghdad in 1393, he was taken with him to Samarkand. From 1399 he was in the service of his son Miran Shah in Tabriz. Timur makes him responsible for his son's eccentric behavior and intended to arrest him. However, Abd al-Qadir managed to escape and returned to the court of Ahmad in Baghdad. In 1401 Timur conquered Baghdad again and took him back to Samarkand. Under Timur's son Shah Ruch , he became a respected courtier here.

In 1405, as a theorist in the tradition of Safi ad-Din al-Urmawi, he wrote an important treatise on music, which also contains melodies notated using a system of letters and numbers he developed, under the title Arabic جامع الالحان, DMG Ǧāmi 'al-alḥān  ' Compendium of Melodies', which he later revised and dedicated to the Sultan Shāh Ruch. His second major work was written under the title Arabic مقاصد الالحان, DMG Maqāṣid al-alḥān  'intentions of the melodies'; He dedicated this to the Ottoman Sultan Murad II.

In his writings on music theory, he classifies the tonal modes that existed at the time (twelve maqāmāt , six āvāz-hā ) and basic melodies (24 scho'behs , 48 guschehs ) - corresponding to the later Dastgāh-hā and Guscheh-hā .

The book called Arabic كنز الالحان, DMG Kanz al-alḥān  'The Treasure of Melodies', which contained his compositions, has not survived . His last great script, Arabic شرح الادوار, DMG Šarḥ al-adwār  'Description of [rhythmic] cycles', is in the possession of the library of the Nuruosmaniye Mosque . In his writings he passed down verses in numerous languages ​​and dialects of his region, which also offer insights into the development of regional dialects in Iran.


  • Nasser Kanani: Traditional Persian art music: history, musical instruments, structure, execution, characteristics. 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Gardoon, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86433-029-2 , p. 113 f.
  • Hormoz Farhat: The Dastgāh Concept in Persian Music. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990, ISBN 0-521-30542-X , p. 5 ( Abdadqāder Marāqi ).
  • Jean During, Zia Mirabdolbaghi, Dariush Safvat: The Art of Persian Music. Translation from French and Persian by Manuchehr Anvar, Mage Publishers, Washington DC 1991, ISBN 0-934211-22-1 , pp. 40 f. ( Abdolqāder Marāghi (Ebn-e Ghaybi) ).

Individual evidence

  1. Rodolphe d'Erlanger : Traité Anonyme Dédié au Sultan Osmānli Muhammad II. In: Rodolphe d'Erlanger: La Musique Arabe. 6 volumes, P. Geuthner, Paris 1930–1959, here: Volume 4 (1939), p. 236.
  2. From Arabic شعبة, DMG šu'ba  'branch', pl. Arabic شُعَب, DMG šu'ab , and Persian گوشه, DMG gūše , 'angle, corner'.