Abdülkerim Nadir Pasha

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Abdülkerim Nadir Paşa (1877)

Abdülkerim Nadir Pascha (also Abdul Kerim Nadir Pascha , Abdulkerim , Abd ul-Kerim Pascha or Abdi Pascha ; Turkish Çırpanlı Abdülkerim Nadir Paşa ) (* 1807 in Tschirpan - Bulgarian Чирпан - Oblast Stara Sagora ; † February 1883 in Mytilini ( Lesbos ) was an Ottoman marshal who held important posts in the Ottoman army in the second half of the 19th century.


After graduating from the military academy in Istanbul, he was sent to Vienna for further military training (1836–1841). He took part in the Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829) .

During the Crimean War (1853-1856) Nadir Pasha advanced to the commanding general ( Muschir ). He commanded the Turkish troops in eastern Anatolia. There the Ottomans had concentrated the army corps of Asia Minor , Mesopotamia and part of the Syrian corps in the Russian border area. Nadir Pasha commanded many attacks by the Turkish armed forces against the Russian army stationed in Gyumri .

On December 1, 1853, his troops suffered a defeat at the Battle of Basgedikler (Башкадыклар) against a corps of the Russian Caucasian Army under General Bebutov . Because of this, and because of many other military errors, he was deposed and tried in a military court - but acquitted. He was succeeded by Akhmet Pasha.

After the Crimean War, Abdülkerim Nadir Pasha was appointed governor of Thessaloniki . In 1862 he took part in the war between Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire. He was then head of several army corps one after the other and earned services for the reorganization of the Turkish army under War Minister Hüseyin Avni Pascha .

In 1873 Abd ul-Kerim was appointed to Constantinople as president of a commission for the drafting of army regulations . He also took over the War Ministry for a short time . He ended the war with Serbia in 1876 ​​victoriously as Commander-in-Chief (Serdar-ı Ekrem - Generalissimo).

He was elected senator by parliament in 1876, but remained in his military post. In the same year he was appointed Marshal transported and Ottoman war minister under Sultan Murad V. appointed. He then commanded the Ottoman troops successfully in the Serbian-Turkish War (1876–1878) in 1877.

Because of his success in the fight against the Serbs, Abdülkerim Nadir Pascha was appointed commander of an Ottoman division on the Danube. At the beginning of the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) he was appointed commander in chief of the Turkish troops in the Balkans .

In the war against the Russians, however, he showed insufficient energy as a general in the Danube Army, so that on July 21, 1877 he was recalled. Because of various errors in the leadership of his troops and his military indecision, he was relieved of his command, tried before a court martial and exiled to the island of Rhodes , where he also died six years later.


  • Hans-Jürgen Kornrumpf: Abdülkerim Nadir Pascha . In: Biographical Lexicon on the History of Southeast Europe . Volume 1. Munich 1974, p. 6 f.