Murad V.

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Portrait of Murad V.
Tughra by Murad V.

Murad V (born September 21, 1840 in Constantinople , today Istanbul ; † August 29, 1904 there ) was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from May 30, 1876 to August 31 of the same year .


Murad was the eldest son of Sultan Abdülmecid I. His mother was Sevk-Efza Sultan, who came from the Caucasus; she was probably Georgian . When his uncle Abdülaziz took power, Mehmed Murad Efendi, as he was then called, was excluded from all public affairs and imprisoned for rejecting the new sultan's plans to change the succession. After Abdülaziz was deposed on May 30, 1876 (see Midhat Pascha ), he was freed from prison by a mob of soldiers from the Young Turks and declared sultan by the grace of God and the will of the people. After only 93 days he was deposed again because of his mental weakness and replaced by his younger brother Abdülhamid II . Murad was then held in Çırağan Palace until his death . He was buried near his mother's grave on the Yeni Cami .

Sultan Murad V was very well educated and influenced by Western culture. For example, he mastered French and had books delivered from France. He also valued contemporary writers such as Ziya Pascha and Namık Kemal . He also played the piano and composed pieces of music in the European style. With his uncle, Sultan Abdülaziz I, Murad had traveled to Europe and there made friends with the Prince of Wales, who later became King Edward VII .

Marriages and children

1. Marriage: On January 2, 1857, he married Eleru Mevhibe Kadın Efendi (Georgian) in the Beşiktaş Palace. From the marriage emerged: Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin Efendi (1861-1915).

2. Marriage: On February 4, 1859 he married Reftaridil Kadın Efendi (Azerbaijani) in the Beşiktaş Palace. The marriage resulted in: Şehzade Süleyman Efendi (1866–1866).

3. Marriage: On February 5, 1869, he married the (Armenian) Sahcan Kadın Efendi in the Beşiktaş Palace. The marriage ended in divorce. The marriage resulted in: Princess Hadice Sultan (1870–1938) and Şehzade Seyfeddin Efendi.

4. Marriage: On June 8, 1874 he married Meyliservet Haseki Kadın Efendi (Tscherkessin) in the Ortaköy Palace. The marriage ended in divorce. The marriage resulted in: Princess Fehime Sultan (1875–1929).

5. Marriage: On November 2, 1877, he married Reza Haseki Kadın Efendi (Georgian) in the Otraköy Palace. The marriage resulted in: Princess Fatma Sultan (1879–1932), Princess Aliye Sultan (1880–1903).

Other marriages: Cenaniyar Kadın Efendi, Jahvar-riz Kadin Efendi (1862–1940), Filizten Kadın Efendi (1865–1945), Gevheri Kadın Efendi and Teranidil Kadın Efendi.

Murad V was a Freemason according to the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Turkey .

Individual evidence

  1. ( Memento from April 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Abdülaziz Sultan and Caliph of the Ottoman Empire
Abdülhamid II.