Abdul Qader Arnaoot

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Abdul-Qader Arnaout , ( Arabic عبد القادر الأرناؤوط, DMG ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Arnāʾūṭ , Albanian  Abdyl-Kadër Arnauti ; * 1928 as Kadri Sokoli in Vrela , Kingdom of Yugoslavia ; † November 26, 2004 in Damascus , Syria ) was an Islamic scholar. He specialized in the fields of hadith and fiqh .


Early life

Abdul-Qader was born into a poor Albanian family in the city of Vrela in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1928. When he was three years old, his family emigrated to Damascus in Syria for political reasons . Here he learned the Arabic language and studied Islamic studies .

Hadith scholar

Arnaoot received his first religious training from Hanafi scholars before breaking up with them and starting self-study. He attended lectures in institutions mainly in Damascus and later in Saudi Arabia , the United Arab Emirates and Albania after the communist era there ended.

Relations with the Syrian Government

The Baath - government forbade Arnaoot to give lectures and teach. Despite attempts at intimidation by the Syrian government, Arnaoot served as a full-time lecturer and head of hadith studies at Jami 'az-Zahraa College, Mazzah Jabal Damascus, where he lectured to students from around the world during the 1980s and 1990s.

Publications (selection)

Encyclopedic work
  • al-Wajiz
A brief summary of the beliefs of early Muslim generations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Pierret: Religion and State in Syria. The Sunni Ulama from Coup to Revolution (= Cambridge Middle East Studies. 41). Cambridge University Press, New York et al. 2013, ISBN 978-1-107-02641-4 , p. 106.
  2. ^ Thomas Pierret: Religion and State in Syria. The Sunni Ulama from Coup to Revolution (= Cambridge Middle East Studies. 41). Cambridge University Press, New York et al. 2013, ISBN 978-1-107-02641-4 , p. 108.
  3. Distinguished islamic figures and their contributions in the cultural and spiritual education of Albania ( Memento of February 6, 2010 in the Internet Archive )