Abduqodir Shakuriy

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Abduqodir Shakuriy ( Cyrillic Абдуқодир Шакурий; also Abdulqadir Shakuri ; Russian Абдулкадир / Абдукадир / Абдукодир / Абдулкодир Шакури Abdulkadir / Abdukadir / Abdukodir / Abdulkodir Schakuri * 1875 , † 1943 ) was a representative of the Central Asian Jadidism . He worked in the literary circle of Mahmudxoʻja Behbudiy in Samarqand .


Shakuriy's father was an imam , and his mother ran a maktab , an Islamic elementary school for girls. He studied at the Orifjonboy - Madrasa in Samarkand and worked at Samarqander suburb Rajabamin as a teacher of traditional method.

Through a Tatar friend he began to read Ismail Gazprinski's paper Tercuman , which made him a follower of Jadidism . He opened one of the first schools of the "new method" in 1903 and wrote three textbooks for use in this new type of school, which was attended by over 100 students. In 1908, while staying in Samarqand , Sadriddin Ayni came into contact with the "new method" through Shakuriy's facility. Through trips to Kazan (1909) and Istanbul (1912) Shakuriy gained insight into the functioning of modern Islamic educational institutions.


Individual evidence

  1. Iraj Bashiri: A Brief Note on Sadriddin Aini's Life . 1997