Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi

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Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi

Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi ( Arabic عبد ربه منصور هادي, DMG ʿAbd Rabbihi Manṣūr Hādī ; * September 1, 1945 in Thakin in Abyan Governorate , South Yemen ) is a Yemeni politician and major general . Until 2012, he was Vice President of Yemen in the cabinet of Ali Abdullah Salih . In the 2012 presidential election , he was “elected” as the only participating candidate.


In 1970, Hadi joined the South Yemeni army and rose to general there, but fled to the north in 1986. Four years after the reunification of North and South Yemen , he was named Vice President by President Salih in 1994.

In December 2010, he denied that US fighter jets were bombing targets in Yemen , as revealed in the publication of cables from US embassies through WikiLeaks .

In June 2011, after the President was injured, he took over the management of important official business and also became Commander-in-Chief of the Army . On November 23, 2011 , Salih, who was troubled after protests in his country , signed an agreement that provided for the transfer of power to Hadi within 30 days and presidential elections within 90 days. Hadi was the only candidate in Yemen's 2012 presidential election , which led to renewed protests by the opposition.

After winning the presidential election with 99.8 percent of the vote, Hadi was sworn in by parliament as the new head of state on February 25, 2012, officially replacing Ali Abdullah Salih after 33 years as president. Hadi is to serve as interim president for two years before new elections with several candidates are planned.

On January 22, 2015, Hadi announced his resignation from the office of president after Shiite Houthi rebels stormed the presidential palace and engaged in violent clashes with government troops for two days. The government had previously also resigned. At the beginning of February 2015, Hadi withdrew his declaration of resignation and fled to the South Yemeni city of Aden , which he then declared the new capital. After the rebels continued to approach Aden by the end of March 2015 and put a bounty on Hadi, he fled the country by sea to Saudi Arabia and stayed there.


Web links

Commons : Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi biography ( Memento from January 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (en)
  2. ^ CIA: Library ( Memento of August 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) In: The World Factbook . October 26, 2011, accessed June 29, 2012
  3. ^ A new beginning in Yemen NZZ Online, February 25, 2012
  4. Despite WikiLeaks: Yemen denies US military action. In: ORF . December 1, 2010, accessed June 29, 2012 .
  5. ^ DiePresse.com: Yemen: President Saleh gives up power , November 23, 2011
  6. Focus Online: Approaching presidential elections cause tension February 20, 2012
  7. ↑ Interim President for Yemen ( memento of March 1, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) at euronews.de, February 25, 2012 (accessed on June 29, 2012).
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2015-01-22/yemen-rebels-reach-deal-with-hadi-to-pull-back-from-palace-1-.html .
  9. Yemen's ex-president manages to escape on welt.de.
  10. Gehlen, Martin: Terrorism: Yemen is out of control at zeit.de, March 25, 2015 (accessed on March 25, 2015).
  11. ^ Air strikes on Houthi rebels - Hadi in Saudi Arabia on faz.net