Abida partioti

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Abida partioti
Abida partioti

Abida partioti

Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Superfamily : Pupilloidea
Family : Corn snails (Chondrinidae)
Subfamily : Chondrininae
Genre : Abida
Type : Abida partioti
Scientific name
Abida partioti
( Moquin-Tandon in de Saint-Simon , 1848)

Abida partioti is a species of grain snail (Chondrinidae) from the suborder of land snails (Stylommatophora).


The housing of Abida partioti is 6.5 to 8 mm high and 2.2 to 2.7 mm wide. It has 9 to 11 turns, which are slightly to moderately curved on the periphery. It is cylindrical-spindle-shaped and has a slender-conical apex . It is brown in color and the surface is regular and finely ribbed. The last, obliquely flattened turn has a sharp keel on the underside; it narrows towards the mouth. The edge of the mouth has a comparatively strongly thickened, weakly undulating white lip. In the parietal area, the mouth edges are connected to one another by a more or less clearly developed callus. The mouth reinforcement consists of slender angularis and parietalis , which are weakly connected to the spiral. Instead of the subangularis, there are often one or two short wrinkles that form the continuation of the fine ribs of the last turn. In addition to the infraparietalis, other wrinkles are often developed. The columellaris is comparatively wide and can reach up to the mouth lip through a thin, special fold near the upper boundary of the spindle wall. The infracolumellaris is significantly thinner and runs forward around the spindle. It initially bends down, can be interrupted at the lowest point and then rises again. The three palatal folds (palatalis superior, palatalis inferior, infraparietalis) are each formed as double humps and extend to the mouth lip. In addition, a suprapalatalis and a szturalis are added, so that a total of up to 11 “teeth” can be present. There may also be weak folds on the edge of the mouth. In the area of ​​the superior palatalis, the housing wall is slightly indented, in the infrapalatalis area it is notched and forms a short spiral groove on the outside. Another notch in the area of ​​the navel emphasizes the short basal keel. The navel is very narrow and cannot be seen from below when viewed vertically.

In the male part of the sexual apparatus, the seminal duct in the basal area of ​​the penis is fused with the tissue of the penis wall. The spermatic duct then widens to an epiphallus. The penis and epiphallus form a loop. The penis is somewhat longer than the epiphallus; the epiphallus / penis transition is therefore not at the point where the loop bends, but is marked by a short, rudimentary blind sac (caecum or flagellum). The penile retractor muscle attaches to the penis and epiphallus below the center of the loop. The penis is about as long as the vagina, while the free fallopian tube is slightly shorter than the vagina. The stem of the seminal vesicle is less than twice as wide at the branch of free fallopian tubes / stalk. It is not embedded in the tissue of the prostate gland and only reaches the level of the prostate. The radula has 18 to 19 posterior teeth in the semi-transverse row next to the main tooth.

Similar species

Abida partioti distinguishes the development of its spindle folds (Columellar folds) from the other Abida species.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The distribution area of Abida partioti is mainly limited to the central part of the Pyrenees south of the main ridge, for example from the Rio Segre in the east to the valley of the Rio Aragon in the west. There is also a few evidence from areas north of the main Pyrenees ridge. The sites are between 500 and 1500 m above sea level. The animals live on calcareous rocks and in rubble.


The taxon was set up by Alfred Moquin-Tandon in Alfred de Saint-Simon in 1848 as Pupa partioti . He had initially sent the species under Pupa labiosa to Emil Adolf Roßmaessler for publication in his "Iconography of Land and Freshwater Mollusks". However, this name was a secondary homonym of Bulimus labiosus Bruguière, 1792 and was therefore replaced by Moquin-Tandon with Pupa partioti . However, it does not seem to have been published in the “Iconography of Land and Freshwater Mollusks”. The publication in Saint-Simon is the original publication. Synonyms after Edmund Gittenberger and Fauna Europaea are:

  • Pupa cristella Westerlund, 1887
  • Pupa dupuyi Westerlund, 1875
  • Pupa lallemantiana Bourguignat, 1864
  • Pupa letourneuxi Bourguignat, 1864

The Fauna Europaea also lists Abida escudiei Geniez & Bertrand 2001 as a synonym; however, the species is recognized by Welter Schultes as an independent species. Even after the location of Abida escudei ( Villedubert , Département Aude , Occitanie region , France) and the known distribution of Abida partioti , an identity of the two taxa is very unlikely.


According to the assessment of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the species is not endangered despite its small distribution area.

supporting documents


  • Edmund Gittenberger: Contributions to the knowledge of the pupillacea: III. Chondrininae. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 127 (1): 3-267, 1973 ISSN  0024-1652 PDF (pp. 142ff.).
  • Michael P. Kerney, RAD Cameron & Jürgen H. Jungbluth: The land snails of Northern and Central Europe. 384 pp., Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin 1983 ISBN 3-490-17918-8 (p. 111)
  • Francisco W. Welter-Schultes: European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification = identification book for European land and freshwater mollusks. A1-A3 S., 679 S., Q1-Q78 S., Göttingen, Planet Poster Ed., 2012 ISBN 3-933922-75-5 , ISBN 978-3-933922-75-5

Individual evidence

  1. Miquel Bech: Fauna malacològica de Catalunya: molluscs terrestres i d'aigua dolça . Treballs de la Institució Catalana d'Historia Natural, Filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 12: 1-229, Barcelona, ​​Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, 1990. Online at Google Books (pp. 99,100)
  2. ^ Alfred de Saint-Simon: Miscellanées malacologiques. Première décade. Pp. 1-41, Toulouse, Labouisse-Rochefort 1848 Online at www.biodiversitylibrary.org (p. 28).
  3. Fauna Europaea: Abida partioti (Saint-Simon, 1848)
  4. P. Geniez, A. Bertrand: Abida escudei sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Chondrinidae) au bassin de l'Aude (France). Documents Malacologiques, 2: 27-29, 2001.
  5. AnimalBase - Abida partioti (de Saint Simon, 1848)
  6. Gargominy, O. & Gomez, B. 2011. Abida partioti. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Retrieved September 22, 2013.

Web links

Commons : Abida partioti  - collection of images, videos and audio files