Ablajan Awut Ayup

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Uighur name
Arabic-Persian (Kona Yeziⱪ) : ئابلاجان ئاۋۇت ئايۇپ
Latin (Yengi Yeziⱪ) : Ablajan Awut Ayup
Chinese name
Abbreviation : 阿布拉 江 · 阿 吾 提阿尤 府
Transcription in Pinyin : Ābùlājiāng · Āwútí'āyóufǔ

Ablajan Awut Ayup (born November 11, 1984 in Guma , Hotǝn , Xinjiang , China ) is a Uyghur pop singer who sings in Uyghur and Chinese .

Among the most famous songs by Ablajan are Sɵyümlük mü'əllim (»Dear teacher«), Oynaydiƣan bala barmu? Are children playing there?«) And Aptap qiⱪ (»Come out, sun!«).

In February 2018, he was likely arrested by the Chinese authorities.

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