Abraham Nochem Stenzel

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Abraham Nochem Stenzel , also AN Stencl and other transcriptions (born 1897 in Czeladź , Russian Empire ; died 1983 in London ), was a Polish-British poet in the Yiddish language.


Abraham Stencl attended the yeshiva with his thirteen year older brother Shlomo Sztencl (1884-1919), who worked as a rabbi in Sosnowiec , Poland . As a teenager he became a member of the Hechaluz . When he was about to be drafted into the Polish army, which was involved in several wars at the time, he fled to the Netherlands in 1919 and lived there as a laborer. In 1921 he moved to Berlin, where he joined the Expressionist writers and began to write Yiddish poetry. He became friends with Dora Diamant , as well as with Else Lasker-Schüler , for whom he published a poem in the Weltbühne in 1926 , which Abraham Suhl had translated into German. He had a lifelong relationship with the art teacher at the Free Secular School in Reinickendorf, Elisabeth Woehler, who had to learn Yiddish to translate his poems for publication.

After the transfer of power to the National Socialists in 1933, he was only able to publish to a limited extent in Germany. He emigrated to Great Britain in 1936. From 1944 he lived there in the London borough of Whitechapel . Stencl founded the Yiddish literary circle Literary Shabbes Nokhmitogs ( literary Shabbat afternoons ) and published the magazine Loshn und Lebn ( Language and Life ), which appeared from 1940 to 1981.

His literary estate is in the School of Oriental and African Studies .

Works (selection)

AN Stenzel: Un you are Got (Leipzig, 1924)
AN Stencl: Loshn un lebn booklet 480 (London, 1979)
  • Lids and Gedikhten . Leipzig: Menes-Verlag, 1924 (Yiddish)
  • My fishing village . Translation of Etta Federn-Kohlhaas . Berlin: Cartel of Lyric Authors, 1931
  • Un Got you . Leipzig, c. 1924
  • Ring of Saturn: poems . Berlin: The Raven Press, 1932
  • Fisher village . Berlin: Energya, 1933
  • Mazl-tale . Berlin: [sn], 1935
  • Fundervaytens . Berlin: Aroysgebn fun fraynt, 1935
  • Mayn Fisherdorf . Berlin: [sn], 1935
  • Tsvishn himl and earth . Berlin: Farlag Rubin Mas, 1936
  • Funderheym . Berlin: [sn] 1936
  • A Mendele-ovnt in Berlin . Berlin: Literarishe bleter, January 17, 1936, pp. 33–34
  • Last nakht . London: Y. Naroditski, 1936
  • Londoner sons . London: Y. Naroditski, 1937
  • Sof zumer ferzn: in a vaytshepl gesl . London: Y. Naroditski, 1937
  • Hakn krayts . London: Y. Naroditski, 1938
  • Zibn fragments . London: Y. Naroditski, 1939
  • Loshn good . Magazine. London 1940-1981
  • Tsu the indzl do . London: Shtentsls heftlekh, 1941
  • Sovyet-front . London: Shtentsls heftlekh, 1942
  • Khanike . London: Shtentsls heftlekh, 1942
  • Englishe mayster in the moleray. Tsu der oysshtelung itst fun zeyere pictures in the art-gallery in Vaytshepl . London: Y. Naroditski, 1942
  • Yidish . London: Y. Naroditski, 1942
  • Yidish shafn in London . London: Shtentsls heftlekh, 1942
  • Far the royter armey . London: Y. Naroditski, 1943
  • Undzer bayshtyayer tsum yidishn shafn . Shtentsls heftlekh, London: 1945
  • Yerusholayim: lids, strolls un poemes . London: Y. Naroditski, 1948
  • Vidervuks: Lider, sonetn un stroll . London: Farlag Loshn un Lebn, 1952
  • Yoyvl almanakh loshn un lebn . London: Farlag Loshn un Lebn, 1956
  • Goles and Geule . London, 1958
  • Vaytshepl shtetl d'Britn . London: Loshn un Lebn, 1961
  • All My Young Years: Yiddish Poetry from Weimar Germany . Bilingual Yiddish - English. Translation: Haike Beruriah Wiegand, Stephen Watts. Introduction Heather Valencia. Nottingham: Five Leaves, 2007


  • Heather Valencia: Else Lasker-Schüler and Abraham Nochem Stenzel: an unknown friendship; with Yiddish and German texts from the Elisabeth Wöhler estate . Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1995 ISBN 978-3-593-35391-3
  • Heather Valencia: Stencl's Berlin Period , in: The Mendele review (TMR) Yiddish literature and language, April 6, 2003
  • Rachel Lichtenstein: Avram Nachum Stencl , in: Iain Sinclair (Ed.): London: City of Disappearances . London: Hamish Hamilton, 2006 ISBN 0-241-14299-7
  • Siegbert Salomon Prawer : AN Stencl - Poet of Whitechapel , in: The Times Literary Supplement, May 3, 1985

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