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Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Russulales (Russulales)
Family : Layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae)
Genre : Acanthophysellum
Scientific name

Acanthophysellum is a genus offungusfrom the family of layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae). It is one of the numerous satellite genera of the Aleurodiscus complex. The representatives of the genus have resupinate fruiting bodies, have acanthohyphidia and have smooth, amyloid basidiospores . The white rot fungi show a positive phenol oxidase reaction. The type species of the genus is Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum (P. Karst.) Parmasto .


The representatives of the genus form resupinate fruiting bodies that are firmly attached to the substrate. The fruit bodies are white, cream, yellow or gray in color. The hyphae system is monomitic and consists of thin-walled hyphae that can wear buckles or are buckleless. The gloeocystids are cylindrical, club-like or often shaped like pseudohyphidia . The acanthohyphidia are spindle-shaped to almost club-like and have their outgrowths in the upper part. The amyloid , smooth spores are ellipsoidal, cylindrical or allantoid (sausage-shaped) and do not grow very large. Usually they are only 12 µm long, in rare cases they can be up to 17 µm long.


The genus Acanthophysellum was introduced by Erast Parmasto in 1967 to identify Aleurodiscus species with resupinate fruiting bodies, acanthohyphidia and smooth, amyloid basidiospores from the species-rich and polyphyletic genus Aleurodiscus s. l. to separate. Curiously enough, Parmasto calls the spores inamyloid in his original Latin diagnosis. Since the type species Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum has amyloid spores and he placed the genus in the tribe Aleurodisceae , which is characterized by amyloid spores, this is regarded as a typographical error. In addition to the type species introduced Parmasto also Acanthophysellum cerussatum var. Cerussatum and Acanthophysellum cerussatum var. Lapponicum in the new genus. (The variety lapponicus is now generally regarded as a species in its own right.) In 2000, SH Wu expanded the genus concept and added seven more Acanthophysium and Aleurodiscus species to the genus. Common features are smooth spores, acanthohyphidia, a positive phenol oxidase reaction and substrate degradation via white rot .

Later molecular phylogenetic studies by SH Wu and his coauthors (2001) and Ellen and Karl-H. Larsson (2003) showed, however, that the genus is not monophyletic . A. lapponicum , A. cerussatum and A. canthophysellum are closely related and are now part of the genus Aleurodiscus s. l. posed, while Acanthophysellum bisporum forms its own lineage. The other species remaining in the genus have not yet been investigated in terms of molecular biology.

Surprisingly, the molecular biological investigations showed that Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum and Xylobolus frustulatus (the type species of the genus Xylobolus ) are phylogenetically and morphologically closely related. Therefore, both genera are considered synonymous by some mycologists. However, Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum differs from Xylobolus in some morphological properties. While Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum is phenol oxidase positive and causes white rot, Xylobolus phenol oxidase is negative and causes white hole rot.


  • Acanthophysellum. Parmasto (1967). In: International Mycological Association, accessed September 16, 2014 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b A. Bernicchia, SP Gorjón: Fungi Europaei - Corticiaceae . 2010, p. 84 ( online ).
  2. Erast Parmasto: Corticiaceae URSS IV. Descriptiones taxorum novarum. Combinationes novae. In: Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised . tape 16 , 1967, p. 377 ( online ).
  3. Ellen Larsson, Karl-Henrik Larsson: Phylogenetic relationships of russuloid basidiomycetes with emphasis on aphyllophoralean taxa . In: Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . tape 95 , no. 6 . Lawrence 2003, p. 1037-1065 ( online ).
  4. SH Wu, J. Boidin, J .; CY Chien: Acanthofungus rimosus gen. Et sp. Nov., With reevaluation of the related genera. In: Mycotaxon . tape 76 , 2000, pp. 154 (English, online ).
  5. Sheng-Hua Wu, David S. Hibbett, Manfred Binder: Phylogenetic analyzes of Aleurodiscus s. l. and allied genera . In: The Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . Vol. 93, No. 4 . Lawrence 2001, p. 720-731 ( online ).