Layer mushroom relatives

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Layer mushroom relatives
Brown velvety layer mushroom (Stereum ostrea)

Brown velvety layer mushroom ( Stereum ostrea )

Department : Stand mushrooms (Basidiomycota)
Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Russulales (Russulales)
Family : Layer mushroom relatives
Scientific name
Golden orange flour disc ( Aleurodiscus aurantius )

The family of phylloxera relatives (Stereaceae) consists of species with crust-like fruit bodies that sometimes protrude from the substrate . Many species have acanthohyphidia . These are cystidia-like structures in the fruit layer with more or less pronounced head parts that are closely covered with spikes or hair-like to finger-like outgrowths, similar to a bottle brush. They probably serve as protection against dehydration.

Layered mushrooms ( Stereum ) and flour discs ( Aleurodiscus ) are the largest genera in the family. Both are dominated by species that grow in exposed areas, for example dead branches that are still attached to the tree. The flour discs were divided into many smaller satellite genera, some of them assigned to the layer mushrooms and the mosaic layer mushrooms ( xylobolus ). Several species with corticoid fruiting bodies from the genus Gloeocystidiellum have now been separated as Conferticium , Gloeocystidiellopsis and Megalocystidium .


The family currently consists of about 20 genera. The systematics of the phylloxera relatives is in a state of upheaval due to new knowledge, which has been gained primarily through rDNA sequence analyzes. Some genera that were traditionally placed in this family are now assigned to independent families or to other families.

Genera of the layer mushroom relatives ( Stereaceae )
Generic name author
Acanthobasidium Oberw. 1965
Acanthofungus Sheng Hua Wu , Boidin & CY Chien 2000
Acanthophysellum Parmasto 1967
Acanthophysium ( Pilát ) G. Cunn. 1963
Aleurobotrys Boidin 1986
Aleurocystis PA Lemke 1964
Aleurodiscus Rabenh. ex J. Schröt. 1888
Aleuromyces Boidin & Gilles 2002
Amylohyphus Ryvarden 1978
Amylosporomyces SS rattan 1977
Conferticium Hall 1980
Coniophorafomes Johann Rick 1934
Dextrinocystidium Sheng H. Wu 1996
Gloeocystidiellum Donk 1931
Gloeocystidiopsis Jülich 1982
Gloeodontia Boidin 1966
Gloeomyces Sheng H. Wu 1996
Megalocystidium Jülich 1978
Neoaleurodiscus Sheng H. Wu 2010
Scotoderma Jülich 1974
Stereum Hill ex Pers. 1794
Xylobolus P. Karst. 1881

Legend : Genera whose position in the layer fungus relatives has been confirmed by DNA sequence analyzes are shown in bold.

  1. a b c According to Larsson, a genera incertae sedis that cannot be assigned to any family.
  2. Amylohyphus may belong to the Gloeophyllaceae family
  3. The species of the genus were placed by Hjortstam & Ryvarden in the genus Gloeopeniophorella , which is assigned to the family of the deaf relatives (Russulaceae).
  4. Gloeocystidiellum s. s. is now part of the Gloeocystidiellaceae family.
  5. Gloeodontia forms its own lineage within the Russulales , which Larsson places in the Gloeodontiaceae family.



  • Karl-Henrik Larsson: Re-thinking the classification of corticoid fungi . New Bottles for Old Wine. In: Mycological Research . tape 111 , no. 9 , 2007, p. 1040-1063 .

Individual evidence

  1. Stereaceae. In: Mycobank (Fungal Nomenclature and Species Databank) . International Mycological Association, accessed August 27, 2014 .
  2. Ellen Larsson & Karl-Henrik Larsson: Phylogenetic relationships of russuloid basidiomycetes with emphasis on aphyllophoralean taxa . In: Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . tape 95 , no. 6 . Lawrence 2003, p. 1037-1065 ( ).
  3. ^ Karl-Henrik Larsson: Re-thinking the classification of corticioid fungi . In: Elsevier (Ed.): Mycological research . tape 111 , no. 9 , 2007, p. 1040-1063 .
  4. Sheng-Hua Wu, Dong-Mei Wang & Shi-Yi Yu: Neoaleurodiscus fujii, a new genus and new species found at the timberline in Japan . In: Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . tape 102 , no. 1 . Lawrence 2010, p. 217-223 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Layered Mushroom Relatives (Stereaceae)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files