Golden orange flour slice

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Golden orange flour slice
Golden orange flour disc (Aleurodiscus aurantius)

Golden orange flour disc ( Aleurodiscus aurantius )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Russulales (Russulales)
Family : Layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae)
Genre : Flour slices ( Aleurodiscus )
Type : Golden orange flour slice
Scientific name
Aleurodiscus aurantius
( Persoon : Fries ) Schröter

The golden orange flour disc ( Aleurodiscus aurantius ) is a mushroom type from the family of layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae). It forms annual resupinate-spreading fruiting bodies that grow on dying and dead branches. Different types of the rose family (Rosaceae) are attacked. The species is distributed in Australia and New Zealand as well as Holarctic and occurs in the temperate zone .


Macroscopic features

The golden orange flour disc has resupinate (sessile grown on the substrate), spread out basidiocarpies . When fresh, the smooth hymenium is a strong orange-pink, when drying it becomes orange-ocher. The spore powder is whitish-pink.

Microscopic features

As with all flour discs , the hyphae structure of the golden orange flour disc is monomitic , i.e. it only consists of generative hyphae. The hyaline basidia are four-pored, rarely two-pored. The spores sitting on them are broadly ellipsoidal, 16–22 × 12–16  µm in size. They appear warty in Melzer's reagent . The hyphae have no buckles , Dendro hyphidien (root-like hyphae in the hymenium) and Pseudozystiden ( zystidenähnliche structures) are, however, available.


The species area of ​​the golden orange flour disc includes the Holarctic , Australia and New Zealand . It is largely limited to the temperate zone .


The golden orange flour disc is a saprobiont that colonizes lignified and dead branches, trunks and tendrils of rose plants (Rosaceae). Usually the substrate is already rotten when it is attacked by the fungus.


Web links

Commons : Aleurodiscus aurantius  - collection of images, videos and audio files