Achatius of Byzantium

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Saint Achatius, Kajov (Czech Republic)

Achatius of Byzantium ( ancient Greek Ακακιος , * in? Cappadocia , † 303 / 304 in Byzantium ), also called Agathius, Acato of Ávila, Agario, was a soldier, martyr and one of the 14 Holy Helpers . He is sometimes confused with Achatius of Armenia . Tradition has it that he was mistaken for a soldier of the same name who was executed around 304 in Byzantium, today's Istanbul .


He served as a captain in the Roman army and was stationed in Thrace . He was tortured, handcuffed to stakes and scourged because of his Christian faith. Because of his "stubbornness", he was taken to Byzantium after the scourging, where the torture continued. Then he was beheaded under the Roman Emperor Maximian in Byzantium. According to legend, Achatius' body was thrown into the sea in a coffin, but the coffin did not sink. The waves carried the coffin to the coast of Calabria . There he is especially venerated in Squillace . Relics from Achatius are also in Hirsau and Weingarten in Württemberg.

According to a legend, 9,000 soldiers subordinate to Achatius and 1,000 other soldiers professed Christianity. They were all executed for this reason. This execution went down in the legend of the " Ten Thousand Martyrs ".

Remembrance day

  • The Catholic feast day is May 8th.
  • The Orthodox Memorial Day is May 7th and July 21st.
  • Armenian Memorial Day is May 6th.


He is depicted with a branch of thorns or a wreath of thorns, but also with a sword, battle ax or lance. In Spain, in Ávila and Cuenca , he is particularly revered as "Acato of Ávila".

Patron saint

"Achatius of Byzantium" is the patron saint of soldiers. But he is also called on against headaches, fear of death, in hopeless situations and to strengthen doubts.


In Constantinople, the former Byzantium, some churches were consecrated to St. Achatius, including churches built by the Emperor Constantine . In the middle of the 15th century Achatius of Byzantium was included in the " Martyrologium Romanum " and since then he has also been officially venerated as one of the 14 helpers in need.

See also

Web links

Commons : Sankt Achatius  - Collection of images, videos and audio files