Adam Pantke

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Adam Pantke (born June 1, 1676 in Breslau , † February 28, 1732 in Klein-Kniegnitz ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran pastor and church historian .


Adam Pantke attended the Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium and from 1685 to 1693 the Elisabethan . From 1693 he studied at the University of Leipzig , where he became a Bachelor on September 30, 1695 . The next year, January 30, 1696, the University of Pantke appointed him a Magister . In the same year, on September 11, 1696, he was appointed doctor . His dissertation was called De nobilitate Vratislaviensium erudita . After he finished his studies in 1697, he returned to his hometown. He was employed as a catechist at the Barbarakirche there . Four years later, in 1701, he became pastor in Klein-Kniegnitz. After he was offered several offices there, which he refused, he died there on February 28, 1732.


Adam Pantke's son Adam Bernhard Pantke (* unknown - † 1774) was a pastor in Klein-Kniegnitz. He had known Johann Christoph Gottsched personally since 1727 and remained on friendly terms with him through correspondence for decades. In addition to some of his own sermons and memorials, Adam Bernhard Pantke also published the "Lives of All Wroclaw Doctors of the Church" from his father's estate.


  • Professores theologiae gymnasiorum Vratislaviensium (1713 to 1715)
  • Schediasma de Silesia, benevola virorum insignium in Marchia Brandenburgensi natorum nutrice et fautrice (Bregae 1714)
  • The provosts of St. Bernardine (Brieg 1714)
  • The Ecclesiasts at St. Elisabeth (Brieg 1715)
  • The pastors of St. Elisabeth (1730)
  • The pastors of St. Maria Magdalena (1730)
  • Life descriptions of all Breßlau church teachers etc. (Breslau 1756; published by his son after Adam Pantke's death)
