Addai Scher

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Archbishop Addai Scher
Archbishop Addai Scher

Addaï Scher , also Addai Sher (born March 3, 1867 in Chaklawa near Kirkuk ; † June 17 (?) June 1915 ) was an orientalist and bishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church .


The son of a Chaldean priest attended the Dominican seminary in Mosul from 1879 and was ordained a priest on August 13, 1889 and a bishop on November 30, 1902. He officiated as Archbishop of Seert ( Siirt ) of the Patriarchate of Babylon of the Catholic Chaldeans, carried out and published numerous orientalist researches.

On June 6, 1915, Archbishop Scher was arrested in the course of the Ottoman persecution of Christians , was initially able to escape with the help of non-Christian friends, but was discovered a week later on the way to Mosul . Because he refused to convert to Islam , he was shot. According to one report, he was beheaded and his head was delivered to the governor. Scher's residence, the Jakobs-Kloster bei Seert (today a school building), was looted, the library and academic papers scattered or destroyed. Nineteen manuscripts from his collection have been preserved through a previous donation to the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) in Paris. Other valuable pieces, allegedly buried in boxes and leather sacks on site, have not yet been discovered or their find hidden.


  • Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet: Manuscrits syriaques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France (nos 356-435, entré depuis 1911) . BNF, Paris 1997. ISBN 2-7177-2019-7 .

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