Address manual for the Rezat district of the Kingdom of Baiern

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The address manual for the Rezat district of the Kingdom of Baiern was published in 1814. The author is unknown. The book has a length of 450 pages plus a location register and a misprint correction that have no page numbers at the end. It is written in German and in Gothic script .

Work description

The manual is easily accessible from a preceding table of contents. It offers a list of all authorities and church structures of the Rezatkreis with the currently responsible staff according to the territorial status of 1814. The individual places included in the Rezatkreis are assigned to them, with the regional courts and parishes all places are taken into account. A distinction is made in place types between town (St.), market (Mkt.), Village / hamlet (no labeling) and desert (E.).

See also


  • Address manual for the Rezat district of the Kingdom of Baiern . Johann Baptist Reindl, Bamberg 1814 ( digitized version ).


  1. This means that the district courts of Forchheim , Graefenberg and Höchstadt , which were transferred to the Obermainkreis in 1817 , are taken into account, while the district courts of Greding , Heidenheim , Hilpoltstein , Monheim , Nördlingen , Pleinfeld and Weißenburg are missing, as these were only transferred from the Oberdonaukreis in 1817 .