Admiralty Council

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Alfred Dietrich

In the German Empire , the Admiralty Council designated a commission and a title.


The commission convened by the Kaiser consisted of naval officers , naval engineers , mechanical engineers and ministerial officials of the Imperial Navy . She had an advisory role in difficult organizational or technical issues and broke up after completing the task.


The character of the Admiralty Council corresponded to the Government Council . Higher levels were the Real Admiralty Council , the Secret Admiralty Council, and the Real Secret Admiralty Council with the title of Excellency .

Well-known admiralty councilors were Tirpitz ' "Propaganda Head" Ernst Levy von Halle , the maritime lawyer Ferdinand Perels , the hydraulic engineer Georg Franzius , the shipbuilder Alfred Dietrich , the Königsberg shipowner Robert Kleyenstüber , the banker Wilhelm Abegg (banker) and the later Ministerial Director Hermann Reuter .

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