Adolf Johann von Brüning

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Adolf Johann von Brüning (born April 13, 1866 in Höchst am Main , † 1941 ) was a German diplomat.


Adolf Johann von Brüning was born the son of the chemist and industrialist Adolf von Brüning . After attending grammar school, he studied law at the universities of Heidelberg, Geneva and Berlin from 1885. In 1886 he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia in Heidelberg . In 1889 he passed the trainee exam in Berlin. After graduating as Dr. jur. in Heidelberg in 1890 he became a lieutenant in Hussar Regiment No. 13, from where he was commanded to the Foreign Office in 1892. Until 1894 he was attaché in Saint Petersburg and in the Foreign Office. In 1895 he passed the diplomatic exam and became legation secretary in Paris. In 1896 he was appointed embassy secretary in Washington and in 1898 as embassy secretary in Constantinople. In 1901 he became Legation Councilor in Tangier. In 1904 he was transferred to Bern and then to Bucharest. In 1906 he left the diplomatic service. During the First World War he was again active in the diplomatic service. In 1918 he was appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary.

Von Brüning was a member of the supervisory board of IG Farben , into which the Farbwerke founded by his father , formerly Meister, Lucius & Brüning in Höchst am Rhein in 1925, had merged.


  • Iron cross on a white and black ribbon
  • Oldenburg War Merit Cross
  • Red Cross Medal
  • Order of the Red Eagle
  • Landwehr service award 1st and 2nd class

He was also the owner of high Dutch, Romanian. Russian, Swedish and Turkish orders.


Individual evidence

  1. Dr. jur. Adolf Johann von Brüning, ♂, German diplomat on
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 69 , 806