Adolf Küry

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Adolf Küry (born July 21, 1870 in Basel , † November 26, 1956 in Bern ) was the Christian Catholic Bishop of Switzerland from 1924 to 1955 .


After attending grammar school in Basel and studying Old Catholic theology at the universities in Bern and Bonn , Küry was ordained a priest in 1893 and became a pastor in Starrkirch-Dulliken . From 1896 to 1906 he worked in Lucerne and 1906–1924 in the Predigerkirche Basel . In addition to his work as editor of the International Church Journal and from 1915 also its editor, he received his doctorate in 1915 and in 1924 became professor of church history , canon law and, from 1933, liturgy at the Christian Catholic faculty of the University of Bern.

In 1924 he was elected bishop of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland, the episcopal ordination donated him on 14 September of the same year, the Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht Franciscus Kenninck . In this capacity he consecrated Adalbert Schindelar as bishop in the St. Peter and Paul Church in Bern on September 1, 1925 , thereby passing on the Apostolic Succession to the Old Catholic Church in Austria . Küry continued the policy of his predecessor, promoting ecumenism and maintaining good relations with the Anglican and Orthodox Churches . He held various positions internationally. From 1913 to 1938 he was secretary of the International Old Catholic Congresses, from 1924 to 1955 secretary of the Old Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Union of Utrecht and took part in the world conferences in Stockholm, Lausanne and Edinburgh. His son, with Bertha Disteli, Urs Küry became his successor as bishop.


predecessor Office successor
Eduard Herzog Christian Catholic Bishop of Switzerland
Urs Küry