Adolf Seebohm

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Adolf Seebohm (born April 17, 1831 in Pyrmont , † December 21, 1916 in Bad Pyrmont ) was a German doctor and politician.


Seebohm was the son of the businessman David Seebohm and his wife Charlotte nee. Müller. He studied medicine at the Georg August University . In 1854 he was reciprocated in the Corps Teutonia Göttingen . He married Elise Friederike Wilhelmine Rickert from Wendemark (Altmärkische Wische) on May 8, 1855 in Pyrmont . On May 8, 1855, he married Agnes Engel for the second time. To the Dr. med. doctorate, he was appointed in Pyrmont in 1863 as a district surgeon and in 1875 as a district physician. In 1878 he was honored with the title of Privy Councilor and in 1888 with the title of Privy Councilor . Elected in the constituency of Pyrmont, he sat in the state parliament (Waldeck-Pyrmont) from 1899 to 1901 .


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 48/28