Adrian Weather

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Adrian Wetter (born September 2, 1694 in Herisau , † January 21, 1764 in Herisau; legal resident in Herisau) was a Swiss textile entrepreneur, member of the Small Council and governor from the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden .


Adrian Wetter was a son of Lorenz Wetter and brother of Johann Rudolf Wetter . In 1722 he married Elsbeth Kunkler, widow of Michael Zollikofer, Junker. Training as a textile merchant in his father's trading business and from 1715 to 1716 in Italy and France . From 1726 to 1729 he was the clerk and member of the Small Council in Herisau. From 1729 to 1733 he officiated as a land major, from 1733 to 1753 as a delegate of the Diet and from 1733 to 1756 as landammann. As the head of the victorious party of the hard in the land trade , elected directly to Landammann, Wetter directed official business with prudence and moderation in the final phase of this turmoil. Thanks to his ability to formulate speeches in an understandable way for the common peasant , for years he opened the Landsgemeinde at their express request, even when this was not due to him according to the schedule. Wetter's business suffered at times from his political involvement. He conducted a lively correspondence with important personalities at home and abroad and had the Haus zur Rose am Platz built in Herisau.


  • Ernst H. Koller and Jakob Signer: Appenzell's coat of arms and gender book. Bern: Stämpfli 1926, p. 386.
  • Peter Holderegger: Entrepreneurs in Appenzellerland: History of industrial entrepreneurship in Appenzell Ausserrhoden from the beginning to the present. Herisau: Schläpfer 1992, p. 97.

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