Aegidius Agricola

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Aegidius Agricola (born July 3 or 13, 1578 in Neukirchen , Upper Palatinate ; † October 16, 1646 in Nuremberg ), was a German lawyer , professor of law and specialist author.


The son of the pastor of Neukirchen in the Principality of Pfalz-Sulzbach, today administrative district Upper Palatinate , Johann Agricola (* 1546, † after 1612), and his wife Anna, nee Schnedner, was first taught by his father and went to training (including at Johannes Fridericus Strobelius ) - for five years at the secondary school in Amberg . He then studied at the University of Altdorf (1597) under the rectorate of Johannes Praetorius with Scipone Gentili (1503-1516). Furthermore in Tübingen (1597) and Jena (1600), here among others with Ortholf Fomann the Elder, who was appointed professor of law in 1599. Ä. (1560-1634). On October 5, 1609, he was appointed "dr." At the University of Basel under the rectorate of Amandus Polanus von Polansdorf . juris utriusque " doctorate . Agricola initially taught as an associate professor and from 1613 as a full professor of civil law at the University of the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg in Altdorf and was introduced to the academic senate on October 9, 1614 and repeatedly elected vice-rector and rector. In 1834 he took over the "professorship of the Pandects" from Andreas Dinner (1579–1633). In 1645 he followed Erasmus Ungebaur as "Professor of the Codex" and senior of the law faculty.

Around 1613 he married Margaretha Catherina Busenreuther (* 1588; † after 1624); a daughter of Johannes Busereuth , since 1580 law professor in Altdorf. Four children from this marriage are mentioned in the literature: Maria Katharina (* 1614), Egid. Georg (* 1616), Esther Magdalena (* 1617, † before 1646); she married the law student Benedict Uzius (Utz) as his first wife. Egid. Georg II (* 1624: student phil .; mayor of Kornwestheim).

When the Altdorf Academy was evacuated during the Thirty Years' War , Agricola was on the way to the safer imperial city of Nuremberg on June 8, 1632, together with his successor in the office of Vice Rector Georg Nösler (1591-1650) and other Altdorf colleagues and students captured by imperial horsemen under the command of General Tilly and - with the exception of Nösler, who remained in captivity for 5 months - released only after payment of the ransom. Nösler gave the funeral oration for Agricola in 1646.


  • Wolfgang Philipp Kilian (1654–1732): copper engraving


  • Disputatio de pignoribus et hypothecis. Dissertation, Basel 1609.

Theses (dissertations) under the aegis of Agricolas (sometimes listed as Agricola's writings):

  • Disputatio De Probationibus (Johann Heinrich Heuschkel). Lochner, Nuremberg 1818.
  • De contractibus, qui re perficiuntur ( Erasmus Ungebaur ). Scherff, Altdorf 1618.
  • Dodecas illustriorum controversi iuris quaestionum theoretico-practicarum (Hieronymus Siderius). Scherff, Altdorf 1619.
  • Disputatio iuridica de successionibus ab intestato ( Georg Achatz Heher ). Scherff, Altdorf 1620.
  • Disp. iur. ex tit. III.-VIII. lib. I. institutionum iuris civilis (Friedrich Praun). Scherff, Altdorf 1621.
  • Disp. iur. ex tit. XXIII.-XXVI. lib. I. institutionum iuris civilis (Tobias Magnus Castner). Scherff, Altdorf 1621.
  • Disputatio Iuridica De Tutelis Et Cura (Gabriel Ölhafen von Schöllenbach), Scherff, Altdorf 1625.
  • De nuptiis (Jacobus Schiller). Scherff, Altdorf 1626.
  • Disputatio Iuridica De Usufructu (Georg Justinian Wehner). Scherff, Altdorf 1626.
  • Disputatio Iuridica De Obligatione Ex Iure Privato (Johann Heinrich Graßhoff). Scherff, Altdorf 1626.
  • Disputatio Iuridica De Patria Potestate (Jakob Helber). Scherff, Altdorf 1827.
  • Disputatio Iuridica De Possessione (Lothar Goldener). Scherff, Altorf 1628.
  • De materia difficili vulgaris substitutionis. 1630.
  • De condictione indebiti (Johann Georg Maul). Scherff, Altdorf 1630.
  • De pignoribus et hypothecis (Justus Hieronymus Kastel). Scherff, Altdorf 1642.

Archival material

  • State Archives Amberg, Sulzb. Files 7105: Report by Pastor Johann Agricola zu Neukirchen about the funeral of Hans Pleysteiner zu Grasberg, who died of an epidemic, 1606.
  • Amberg State Archives: Principality of Pfalz-Sulzbach, Government - Sulzbacher Akten 2197. Claim by the heirs of Pastor Johann Agricola zu Neukirchen against Wolf Friedrich von Freudenberg zu Windischleuba because of his remainder of his salary. (1609, 1612) 1614-1616.
  • Amberg City Archives: Principality of Palatinate-Sulzbach, Government - Sulzbacher files 2149: Egidius Agricola, Schultheiss zu Kornwestheim's debt claim, because of one of his father, Prof. Dr. Egidius Agricola zu Altdorf, Hof zu Neukirchen sold to Wolf Friedrich von Freudenberg (...). (1622, 1639), 1640-1655.


  • Franconian Acta Erudita et Curiosa. The history of the scholars in Francken. Julius Arnold Engelbrecht, Nuremberg 1729.
  • Anton Maria Kobolts: Baierisches Scholar Lexicon. Max Hagen, Landshut 1746.
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher (Hrsg.): Allgemeine Gelehrten-Lexikon, including the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present time, and made themselves known to the learned world, after their birth, life, strange stories, dying and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. First part AC. Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig 1750.
  • Georg Andreas Wills: History and description of the Nuremberg University Altdorf. Altdorf 1795.
  • Paul Freher: Theatrum Virorum Eruditione Clarorum. (...). Johann Hofmann, Nuremberg 1688, p. 1107 f.
  • Newly increased historical and geographic general lexicon (...). 3. Edition. First part. A-Be. 1742.
  • Acta Historico-Ecclesiastica or collected news from the latest Church Stories. Seventh and sixtieth part. Sigmund Heinrich Hoffmann, Weimar 1742, pp. 7–8.
  • Elias von Steinmeyer (ed.): The register of the University of Altdorf. 1912. (online edition. University and State Library, Düsseldorf 1912).
  • Hans Georg Wackernagel (Ed.): The register of the University of Basel, 3rd volume 1601/02 to 1665/66. Verlag der Universitätsbibliothek, Basel 1962, p. 106.

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Busereuth
  2. Johann Agricola, pastor of Neukirchen 1578 to 1593 ( )
  3. ^ Paul Freher: Theatrum Virorum Eruditione Clarorum. (...). Johann Hofmann, Nuremberg 1688, p. 1107 f.
  4. Johann Friedrich Strobel (* 1580)
  5. ^ The doctoral certificate is signed by Ludwig Iselin, who was rector in 1607/08; see. Hans Georg Wackernagel (Ed.): The register of the University of Basel, 3rd volume 1601/02 to 1665/66. Verlag der Universitätsbibliothek, Basel 1962, p. 106, as well as by the publicly appointed notary Casparus (Caspar) Cochius
  6. Renate Jürgensen: Melos conspirant singuli in unum. Repertorium bio-bibliographicum on the history of the Pegnese Flower Order in Nuremberg (1644–1744). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2006, p. 53
  7. ^ Acta Historico-Ecclesiastica or collected news from the latest church stories. Seventh and sixtieth part. Heinrich Hoffmann, Weimar 1748, p. 949 (online)