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Sub-kingdom : Dikarya
Department : Stand mushrooms (Basidiomycota)
Subdivision : Pucciniomycotina
Class : Agaricostilbomycetes
Order : Agaricostilbales
Family : Agaricostilbaceae
Scientific name
Oberw. & R. Bauer

The probably very original Agaricostilbaceae are a mushroom family within the order of the Agaricostilbales . These are predominantly saprobionic, auricularioid fungi that are mostly found in the tropics and subtropics. They have transversely septate phragmobasidia and form their basidiospores in a yeast-like manner. In contrast to most mushrooms, their hyphae are simply septate. The family has 24 species described, which are distributed over four genera.


The fruiting bodies are small, stalked, head-shaped and not gelatinous. The surface is covered with basidia . There are no cystides . The hyphae system is monomitic and consists of more or less hyaline hyphae with simple septa . The basidiospores are elongated, thick-walled and transversely septate. They repeatedly form basidiospores on short, sterigme- like outgrowths. The basidiospores are hyaline and inamyloid . Anamorphic stages are yeast-like and have cells that form both buds and endospores.


Four genera are known: Agaricostilbum , Bensingtonia and Sterigmatomyces , as well as the monotypic genus Amerobotryum .

Distribution and ecology

Representatives of the family can be found scattered across the tropics and subtropics. The family is certainly more widespread, but the saprobic mushrooms with their very small fruiting bodies are often overlooked. Many species are found on dead palms or on dead parts of them.


An economic significance is not known. The mushrooms are neither edible nor poisonous.


  • P. Cannon & P. ​​Kirk: Fungal Families of the World . CAB International, 2007, p. 5 .
  • Franz Oberwinkler and R. Bauer: The systematics of gasteroid, auricularioid Heterobasidiomycetes . In: Sydowia . tape 41 , 1989, pp. 224-256 ( online ).
  • Robert Bauer, Dominik Begerow, José Paulo Sampaio, Michael Weiß, Franz Oberwinkler: The simple-septate basidiomycetes: a synopsis . In: Mycological Progress . tape 5 , 2006, p. 41–66 ( Online [PDF; 1.4 MB ; accessed on September 14, 2019]).

Web links

  • Agaricostilbaceae. In: Mycobank. International Mycological Association, 2016, accessed February 12, 2015 .