Ahmose Aametju

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Ahmose Aametju in hieroglyphics
V13 G43 N12
F31 S29

Ahmose Aametju
Jˁḥ ms ˁ3mṯ.w

Ahmose Aametju (also Aametju, called Ahmose ) was a high ancient Egyptian official from the time of the New Kingdom . He was a vizier and officiated until his fifth year under Hatshepsut / Thutmose III. In the early reign he also held the offices of chief judge and mayor ("Imi-ra-niut"). With his wife Ta-Aametju he fathered his successor Useramun , who dedicated the north wall of a rock shrine (No. 17) built on Gebel el-Silsile to him in his honor . The grave of Ahmose Aametju TT83 was in Thebes in the Sheikh Abd el-Qurna necropolis .


  • Julia Budka : High administrative officer under Thutmose III . In: Kemet issue 3/2001 . Kemet Verlag, 2001, ISSN  0943-5972 , p. 26 .

Individual evidence

  1. Julia Budka: Kemet issue 3/2001. P. 26.