Aiantis (phyle)

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Aiantis ( Greek  Αἰαντίς ) was the ninth of ten administrative regions ( Phylen ) into which Kleisthenes entered during his reforms at the end of the 6th century BC. BC divided the Attic peninsula . Of the three earlier zones of Attica, Aiantis probably included the Trittyen Phaleron (from the urban area) and Aphidnai (from the inland), as well as Tetrapolis (from the coastal area).

The last-mentioned "Vierstadt" did not really live up to its name, since from the original Tetrapolis - the merger of which dates back to mythological times - only Marathon , Trikorythos (where a source was named after the Herakles daughter Makaria and where, according to legend, the head of Eurystheus was buried) and Oinoe were grouped together as demes for coastal trittys. The fourth city Probalinthos, however, struck Kleisthenes for political reasons of the Phyle Pandionis .

In the decisive battle at Marathon Aiantis put in 490 BC. The extreme right wing of the Greek army and was also distinguished eleven years later in Plataiai . The strategist Kallimachos ( good fighter in Greek ), who fell in honor at Marathon, came from the inland demos Aphidnai as did the general Kallistratos (born eighty years later) ; Theseus is said to have once hidden the stolen Helena in this city .

The Phyle Aiantis owes its name to the heroic Troy fighter Aias Salaminias . In Athens , the festival of Aianteia was celebrated for the hero from Salamis , including sacrifices, processions, torch relay and rowing regatta.


Individual evidence

  1. Herodotus Histories 5,66.
  2. Strabon Geographika 377.
  3. Herodotus 9.73.
  4. Herodotus 5:36
  5. Walther Sontheimer : Aianteia. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 1, Stuttgart 1964, Col. 152.