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Aigiale ( Greek  Αἰγιάλη ) or Aigialeia ( Αἰγιάλεια ) is the wife of Diomedes , king of Argos , in Greek mythology .

She is the daughter of Adrastus or his son Aigialeus . While Diomedes was fighting in the Trojan War , Aigiale waited longingly for his return. Since the goddess Aphrodite had been wounded by Diomedes before Troy, she was angry with him and blinded his wife Aigiale, so that she and several men were unfaithful to him. After returning from Troy, Aigiale followed him with her last lover, Comets , so that Diomedes first had to flee to the altar of Hera and later to Hesperia . There he realized that Aphrodite had taken revenge on him.

According to Dictys Cretensis , Oiax embittered the Aigiale and the Clytaimnestra when he told them that their husbands were bringing women with them from Troy and preferred them to their wives. At Tzetzes it is not Oiax but his father Palamedes who is the bearer of this news.


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  1. Homer Iliad 5: 412.
  2. Scholion to the library of Apollodor 1, 8, 6.
  3. Lykophron 610 f.
  4. Scholion on Ovid Metamorphoses 14, 457.
  5. Dictys Cretensis 6, 2.