Georg Knaack

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Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Knaack (born November 15, 1857 in Angermünde , † November 29, 1905 in Stettin ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.

The son of a teacher studied classical philology at the University of Greifswald after graduating from high school, which he took in Stettin in 1876 . Here he was an early student of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff , from whom he received numerous suggestions until the end of his life. After the teaching degree and doctorate in 1880, he went to the Stettiner Marienstiftsgymnasium as a teacher, where he was promoted to senior teacher in 1897. In 1898 he was given the title of "Professor". In that year, on the recommendation of Hermann Diels, he also received a travel grant from the German Archaeological Institute .

In addition to his teaching activities, Knaack wrote numerous works on Greek religion and mythology and on Hellenistic and imperial literature, starting with his Greifswald dissertation Analecta Alexandrino-Romana (1880). Up until his early death, he also provided numerous articles for the revision of the realcyclopedia of classical antiquity .

Fonts (selection)

  • Analecta Alexandrino-Romana . Greifswald 1880 (dissertation)
  • Quaestiones Phaethonteae . Berlin 1886
  • Callimachea . Szczecin 1887


  • Berlin Philological Weekly . 26th year (1906), p. 709
  • Brandenburgia . Volume 14 (1906), p. 513
  • Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: News from Kallimachos . In: Session reports of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences . Born in 1912. First half volume (January to June), Berlin 1912, pp. 524–550 (on Knaack 546)
  • Carl Ludwig Schleich : Sunny past. Memoirs of a Doctor . Berlin 1920, pp. 73-75.
  • Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Memories 1848–1914 . Leipzig 1928, p. 134. 192f.
  • Christoph Börker: Contributions to the history of the German Archaeological Institute from 1879 to 1929 . Volume 2, Mainz 1979, pp. 136f.
  • William M. Calder III , Robert L. Fowler: The Preserved Letters of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff to Eduard Schwartz . Munich 1986, p. 33. 53 ( Meeting reports of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Philosophical-Historical Class . Born 1986, Issue 1)

Web links

Wikisource: Georg Knaack  - sources and full texts