Academy of Arabic Language (Cairo)

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The Academy of the Arabic Language ( Arabic مجمع اللغة العربية, DMG Maǧmaʿ al-luġa al-ʿarabiyya ) in Cairo is a state institution in Egypt that deals with the Arabic language .


The first attempt to found an academy for the Arabic language dates back to 1892. The most important members at that time were Sheikh Muhammad Abduh , Sheikh Muhammad Tawfiq el-Bakri and Sheikh Muhammad Mahmud al-Shinqiti. After a few months, however, the academy was dissolved. The second attempt took place in 1916. This time the academy made it to the time of the Egyptian revolution of 1919 , then it was dissolved again. In December 1932 the academy was re-established by royal decree. In 2013 she received the International King Faisal Prize in the Arabic Language and Literature category.


According to the royal decree, when the academy was founded, it consisted of 20 members, ten Egyptian and ten foreign.

Member list (selection):


The main tasks of the academy are:

  • The publication of Arabic lexicons
  • The investigation of language problems
  • The lexicalization of new or foreign words and terms
  • The revitalization of the Arab cultural heritage
  • Organizing cultural activities

Publications (selection)

Language lexicons

  • Lexicon of Koranic Words
  • The Great Lexicon of the Arabic Language (5 volumes)
  • The medium-sized lexicon (one million words)
  • The Small Lexicon (mainly intended for schoolchildren and students)

Specialist dictionaries

See also

Web links

Coordinates: 30 ° 3 ′ 43.2 ″  N , 31 ° 13 ′ 24.6 ″  E