Akamas (son of Antenor)

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Akamas ( Greek  Ἀκάμας ) is in Greek mythology the leader of the Dardanians allied with the Trojans in the Trojan War .

In Homer's Iliad he is the son of Antenor and Theano , the priestess of Athena in Troy . Along with his brother Archilochus, he is one of the bravest Trojans fighters and, together with his brother and Aineias, stands out in the fight against the Greek ship wall. When his brother is killed by Aias , he takes revenge by killing Promachos , whereupon he himself is killed by Meriones . At Quintus of Smyrna it falls at the hand of Philoctetes .



  1. Homer Iliad 14:475
  2. Homer Iliad 2, 824; 12, 100; 16, 342.
  3. ^ Quintus of Smyrna 10:168.