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Akrenschutz warning board for cryotherapy

As extremities ( . Greek - anat. Pluraletantum ; from ancient Greek ἄκρος akros , extremely '→ neulat. ( Neologism "extremities" analogous to " limb ": lat. Extremus , extreme'); as a prefix , Acro ', Acral - ',' Akral- ', as suffix ' -akrie ') are those parts of the human body that are furthest away from the trunk .

These include:

  1. the distal parts (peripheral ends) of the extremities of the body:
  2. the protruding parts of the body:


A pronounced, pathological enlargement of the acra - especially the outer extremities (see above) - is technically referred to as acromegaly ( synonym : pachyakrie), an abnormally small size of the acra is called acromicia .

See also