Alajos Degré

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Degré Alajos

Alajos Degré (born January 6, 1819 in Lippa , † November 1, 1896 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian writer and politician .


Alajos Degré was the son of a French emigrant and the Hungarian Anna Rácz. He studied law at the University of Pest , where he was close to some of the young writers around Sándor Petőfi . Consequently, he also took part in the revolution of 1848 . After their failure he was persecuted for a while, but was later able to gain a foothold in Hungary and settle in Budapest, where he worked as a journalist. Degré was also a member of parliament.


Degré mainly wrote novels, stories and comedies of lesser literary importance, but which are still interesting because of the description of Hungarian society at the time. Translations into German hardly exist.

  • Iparlovag , (The Knight of Fortune) comedy in 3 acts, Pozsony, 1844.
  • Eljegyzés álarc alatt (The betrothal under the mask) Comedy in 3 acts, Pest, 1845.
  • Félreismert lángész , (The Misunderstood Genius) Comedy in 3 acts, Pest, 1846.
  • Kedélyrajzok (Mind Sketches). Novellas. Pest, 1847.
  • Két év egy ügyvéd életéből (Two years from the life of a lawyer). Novel. Pest, 1853.
  • Novellái . Novellas. Pest, 1854.
  • Kalandornő (The Adventurer). Novel. Pest, 1854.
  • Salvator Rosa . Novel. Pest, 1855.
  • A sors keze (The hand of fate). Novel. Pest, 1856.
  • Novellák . Novellas. Pest, 1857.
  • Az ördög emlékiratai (The Devil's Memoir). Pest, 1860.
  • A száműzött leánya (The exile's daughter). Novel. Pest, 1865.
  • A kék vér . Novel. Pest, 1870.
  • A nap hőse . Novel. Pest, 1870.
  • Itthon . Novel. Budapest, 1877.
  • Az elzárt gyámleány . Víg elbeszélés. Budapest, 1878.
  • Bőkezű uzsorás . Budapest, 1882.
  • Visszaemlékezéseim (My Recollections). Memoirs. Budapest, 1883-1884.
  • Igy van jól! Novel. Budapest, 1887.

German translations

  • Blue blood . Vienna and Budapest no year
  • A brilliant marriage ; in: Hungarian storytellers. Zurich 1974
