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Village d'Alarcess
Village of Alarcess
Coordinates 17 ° 1 ′  N , 8 ° 1 ′  E Coordinates: 17 ° 1 ′  N , 8 ° 1 ′  E
Basic data
Country Niger


department Tchirozérine
Borough Agadez
Residents 3102 (2012)

Alarcess (also Alarces , Alarcès , Alarçès , Alarsas , Alarses , Alarsès , Alerces , Alercès , Alerçès ) is a village in the municipality of Agadez in Niger .

The rural settlement with its extensive date palm groves has the character of an oasis and is located in the Téloua valley around five kilometers northeast of the old town of Agadez . It consists of Alarcess Toudou Bila, the seat of the traditional mayor, and the hamlets of Alarcess Aladab, Alarcess Alkinkin, Alarcess Azamala (Takaya) and Alarcess Tchiguefan. In Alarcess Tchiguefan, the 17th parallel north and the 8th longitude intersect .

Alarcess is named after a well of the same name around which the settlement was built. In pre-colonial times, Alarcess was a pure slave settlement whose inhabitants grew vegetables for their masters in the city of Agadez. After the failed revolt of 1917 against French colonial rule , Alarcess was settled by the aristocratic upper class from villages in the Iférouane valley .

At the 2012 census, Alarcess had 3,102 residents who lived in 506 households. At the 2001 census, the population was 2,506 in 400 households, and at the 1988 census, the population was 1,556 in 276 households.

Mainly craftsmen and gardeners live in the village. The date palm groves have often belonged to families from the city center for a long time. In response to border closings and the disappearance of tourism in the region, a craftsmen's cooperative was founded in Alarcess at the end of the 1990s with European support . As part of the annual Bianou festival , the youth of Agadez spend a night in Alarcess.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Aboubacar Adamou: Agadez et sa Région (=  Études Nigériennes . No. 44 ). Pr. De Copédith, Paris 1979, p. 253 .
  2. a b National Repertoire des Localités (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, p. 19 , accessed on 7 August 2015 (French).
  3. a b Alarcès. In: Coopérative des Artisans d'Alarçès. Editions Expressions, accessed February 4, 2018 (French).
  4. ^ Francis Rennell Rodd: People of the Veil. Being an Account of the Habits, Organization and History of the Wandering Tuareg Tribes which inhabit the Mountains of Air or Asben in the Central Sahara . Macmillan, London 1926, pp. 121 .
  5. ^ Répertoire National des Communes (RENACOM). (RAR file) Institut National de la Statistique, accessed November 8, 2010 (French).
  6. Recensement Général de la Population 1988: Répertoire National des Villages du Niger . Bureau Central de Recensement, Ministère du Plan, République du Niger, Niamey March 1991, p. 25 ( [PDF; accessed January 31, 2018]). ( Memento of the original dated January 31, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ Découvrez la coopérative des Artisans d'Alarçès. In: Coopérative des Artisans d'Alarçès. Editions Expressions, accessed February 4, 2018 (French).
  8. Vanessa Fanjul Marlé: Inventaires communautaires: Boubon, Agadez et pratique de l'Habbanaé. (PDF) Gouvernement du Niger / UNESCO, 2016, p. 41 , accessed on February 4, 2018 (French).