Albert Amlacher

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Albert Amlacher

Albert Amlacher (born December 27, 1847 in Broos in Transylvania, † January 14, 1939 there ) was a teacher, Protestant pastor and German-speaking writer.


He attended the grammar school in Sibiu and from 1864 the grammar school Schäßburg , where the folklorist Josef Haltrich was one of his teachers. From autumn 1868 he first studied philosophy and Protestant theology at the Jena University and then moved to the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin in 1869 . In 1870/71 he took part in the Franco-German War as a volunteer. He then continued his studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , where he was awarded a doctorate in philosophy in 1872.

Then he returned to his home town of Transylvania, where he started teaching at the local elementary school in his place of birth. From 1874 he then held the office of vice principal. In 1880 he was one of the founding members of the Transylvanian Carpathian Association . In 1881 Amlacher was appointed city preacher of Mühlbach , and in 1891 pastor in Rumes am Unterwald , an office he held until 1924. He died very old in 1939 in his native Broos.


  • In the Heideschenke , Dresden / Leipzig without a year.
  • The Schlickläufer, four stories , Dresden / Leipzig without a year.
  • A documented contribution to the oldest history of the Broos chapter , Hermannstadt 1876, (Separatum: Archives of the Society for Transylvanian Cultural Studies NF 13, 1876, no.2).
  • The Battle of the Turks on the Bread Field , Sibiu 1879.
  • From the "good old days" of a Saxon town . Contributions to the history of the city of Broos in the first quarter of the seventeenth century (1600–1628), Hermannstadt sd, (Separatum).
  • Document book on the history of the city and the Broos chair up to the transition of Transylvania under hereditary princes from the House of Austria (1690) , Hermannstadt, 1879.
  • Damasus Dürr : A Protestant pastor and dean of the Unterwälder Chapter from the century of the Reformation , Sibiu 1883.
  • The Dacian Slavs and Cserged Bulgarians , together with Josef Ladislav Píč, 1888
  • Rumes. From the past and present of a Transylvanian-Saxon village community , Sibiu, 1912.

Web links

  • German literature: Albert Amlacher - life and biography