Albert Hellwig

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Albert Ernst Karl Max Hellwig (born November 29, 1880 in Berlin ; † December 3, 1950 in Reutlingen ) was a German lawyer, criminologist and publicist. He led in 1911 the pair of terms dirt and trash film in terms of the movie and is also considered as characteristic for this terminology, even if they already previously in connection with the " trivial literature " ( " pulp fiction had been used"), for example, Ernst Schultze .

Studies and legal career

The son of the chief railway inspector a. D. and accountant Ernst Hellwig and his wife Marie Schönemann attended high school in Altona . In the summer semester of 1900 he began studying law in Jena and after two semesters moved to the University of Freiburg im Breisgau and later to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin. Here he worked in March 1903, while still studying law, as an assessor in the trial of the notorious “flower medium” Anna Rothe; this was followed by his collection of cases from the spectrum of “criminal superstition”.

To the Dr. jur. he received his doctorate from the University of Rostock. He worked as a judge at the district court in Frankfurt (Oder) . In 1919 he was appointed general advisor for criminal law and criminal procedure to the Prussian Ministry of Justice. Having previously worked both as a journalist and as a judge on juvenile delinquency, he worked on the draft of the first juvenile justice law , which came into force in 1923. Since he was not suited to work in the ministry, he had himself transferred back to the judicial service in 1921 at his own request. As the district court director in Potsdam, Hellwig was head of a criminal chamber and continued his criminal psychology studies. In the thirties he was transferred to Berlin, where he worked in the judiciary until 1945.

After the war, Hellwig in Reutlingen, where he had last settled as a "specialist writer", was denazified on May 2, 1950 as "unencumbered".

Albert Hellwig had four children from two marriages; after the death of his first wife Margarethe Mader († February 14, 1920), Hellwig married Antonie Kade in 1922, daughter of the Berlin district judge C. Kade.

Processes and journalism

Hellwig became known to the public through the Frenzel Trial for incendiary which he chaired in 1930 and which Carl von Ossietzky reported on in the Weltbühne on December 9, 1930. The magazine for parapsychology also ironically glossed the length of the grounds for judgment by Judge Hellwig, which ultimately amounted to 651 pages.

Hellwig became known in the professional world for his roughly forty independent publications and more than one hundred articles in specialist journals. In international criminology he was considered a specialist in questions of parapsychology and criminal telepathy . In several cases he succeeded in clearing up their deception maneuvers as an expert on swindlers and fraudsters who pretended to be telepaths and occultists. His work on criminal superstition also influenced his brother Karl (* 1884), who in 1910 presented a dissertation “On the Psychology of Superstition” in Kiel.

Hellwig's second major area of ​​expertise was youth media protection . Until the beginning of the thirties he accompanied the legal development of the public film showing with his numerous publications in the field. As part of the cinema reform movement, he was critical of the medium, which was still new at the time, but was one of the first to deal scientifically with the effects of film. Many of the current statements on the effects of media violence such as the suggestion thesis , habitualization thesis or the social cognitive learning theory can already be found in his remarks. This makes him one of the first important researchers on the effects of media on the medium of " film ".

Hellwig has also worked many times in the field of procedural law. With his work "Psychology and interrogation techniques in the investigation of facts", published in 1927, the modern interrogation technique for judges, public prosecutors and police officers was presented for the first time.

He also fought for the recognition of the sample of blood groups in the course of the criminal evidence, which was hotly debated among the criminologists.

In the course of the criminal law reform efforts from 1909 onwards, he spoke out against the punishment of homosexuality according to § 175 StGB (old version) , nevertheless he viewed homosexual intercourse as morally reprehensible.


  • The right of asylum for primitive peoples , 1903
  • Crime and Superstition , 1908
  • Die Kinematographenzensur , in: Annalen des Deutschen Reichs 1910, pp. 32–41, 96–120, 893–917
  • Forensic medicine and cremation , Berlin 1910
  • Trash films - their essence, their dangers and how to combat them , Halle (Saale) 1911
  • Film censorship in Württemberg. Their necessity, their legal basis and their appropriate permission , in: Journal for the voluntary jurisdiction and the municipal administration in Württemberg No. 55, 1913, pp. 18-30
  • Legal Sources of Public Cinematographers Law. Systematic compilation of the most important German and foreign laws and draft laws, ministerial decrees, police regulations. Collected from official material and provided with an introduction, brief explanations and a subject index , Mönchengladbach 1913
  • The decisive principles for bans on junk films according to current and future rights , in: VerwArch No. 21, 1913
  • The relationships between junk literature, junk films and crime , in: Arch. F. Crimea. No. 51, 1913, pp. 1-32
  • Child and Cinema , 1914+
  • Modern Criminology - From Nature and the Spiritual World , 1914
  • Errors of justice , Minden, 1914
  • Film censorship , Berlin 1914
  • Film censorship according to the principles of the Prussian administrative courts , in: Volkswart No. 7, 1914, pp. 99–105, 113–120, 147–152
  • Record-based cases about trash literature and trash films as an incentive to crime , in: Dergerichtssaal, vol. 84, 1916, p. 402
  • On the problem of the diagnosis of the facts of the matter , in: The court room, vol. 84, 1916, p. 432
  • World War I and superstition , things experienced and overheard, Leipzig 1916
  • The war and the criminality of young people , Halle adS 1916
  • Film Act of May 12, 1920 together with the supplementary provisions of imperial and state law , Berlin 1921
  • Juvenile Courts Act: with introduction and explanations , Berlin 1923
  • The principles of film censorship and advertising censorship according to the decisions of the Oberprüfstelle , Mönchengladbach 1923
  • Psychology and interrogation techniques in the investigation of facts: an introduction to the forensic psychology f. Police officers, judges, public prosecutors, experts etc. Lay judge , Berlin 1927
  • Protection of minors against junk literature: Law for Preservation d. Youth from trash u. Dirty fonts v. December 18, 1926 , Berlin 1927
  • Law to combat venereal diseases of February 18, 1927: explained in detail, with an introduction including the implementation provisions of the Reich, Prussia, Bavaria, Württemberg, Saxony, Baden, Thuringia, Hesse and Hamburg, as well as an index , Munich 1928
  • Occultism and Crime , Berlin 1929
  • Cinematograph and Criminal Science, in: International Educational Film Show: Monthly of the International Institute for Educational Films, League of Nations 1930, pp. 270–287
  • Arson and causes of fire: the technique of their investigation with Karl August Tramm and Rhode, Kiel 1933 and Berlin (self-published) 1934 as a 2nd improved edition
  • Revolution and film reform , in: Hochland 16 (19), pp. 635–638


Part of Albert Hellwig's estate is in the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Hygiene in Freiburg im Breisgau . Cologne criminologist Gotthold Bohne acquired another part of Hellwig's collections on criminal superstition for the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cologne . The collection is now in the Cologne University Archives (entries 585 and 877).

Further individual references, especially from the archives of the Mohr ([Tübingen]) and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht ([Göttingen]) publishers in the KALLIOPE database.

Literature on Albert Hellwig

Stephan Bachter: Instructions for superstition. Magic books and the dissemination of magical “knowledge” since the 18th century. phil. Diss. University of Hamburg 2005

Uwe Schellinger: Hard to believe: The specific problematic of the historical transmission of paranormal experiences in the 20th century, in: Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 11/2011, pp. 166–196.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official directory of the authorities, teachers, civil servants, institutions and students of the entire University of Jena, summer semester 1900, p. 24
  2. Herrmann AL Degener, Who is it? 9th edition. Berlin 1928, p. 624.
  3. ^ Hugo Friedländer: Interesting criminal trials of cultural and historical importance, Vol. 2. Berlin 1910
  4. Uwe Schellinger: Hard to believe: The specific problematic of the historical transmission of paranormal experiences in the 20th century, in: Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 11/2011, p. 172.
  5. The Marburg dissertation attributed to Albert Hellwig The verdict in the unofficiality process according to form, content and effect was written by Hans Hellwig, son of the secret judiciary Prof. Dr. Konrad Hellwig, submitted, cf. the curriculum vitae in the copy of the Cologne University Library, sign. 1907 / 08MARB17. Hellwig's dissertation is The Asylum Law of Indigenous Peoples from 2003, vlg. Cologne University Library, Sig. 1903 / 04ROST68.
  6. Juvenile Court Act of February 16, 1923 . January 31, 1942, doi : 10.1515 / 9783111392875 .
  7. Short biography and information on the work of Albert Hellwig at Literaturport
  8. ^ Fritz Hartung : Lawyer under four realms . Cologne, Berlin, Bonn, Munich 1971, p. 63f.
  9. ^ The personal file in the Federal Archives, R 3001/59791
  10. The denazification file in the State Archive of Baden-Württemberg, Abt. State Archives Sigmaringen, Wü 13 T 2 no. 2555/225
  11. Herrmann AL Degener, Who is it? 9th edition. Berlin 1928, p. 624.
  12. Carl von Ossietzky: Frenzel and Hellwig, in: ders., Complete Writings 1929–1930. Edited by Bärbel Boldt, Ute Maack, Gunther Nickel, Vol. 5, p. 962.
  13. Albert Hellwig (in the middle) during the pronouncement of the judgment in the Frenzel trial
  14. ^ Digitized article on "Freiburg historical holdings - digital
  15. Karl Hellwig: On the psychology of superstition. phil. Diss. Kiel, November 19, 1910. Elberfeld 1911. Copy in UA Cologne, access 877/242.
  16. Michael Kunczik, Astrid Zipfel: violence and media: a study manual . UTB, 2006, ISBN 978-3-8252-2725-8 , pp. 38 .
  17. ^ Gotthold Bohne: Literature report, criminalistics . In: ZStW . tape 48 , 1928, pp. 414 f .
  18. Albert Hellwig: On the question of the application of blood group probes perjury procedures, in: Journal for the entire criminal law science 51/1931, pp. 269-271.
  19. G. Geserick, I. Wirth: About the beginnings of blood group serological parentage assessment, in: Rechtsmedizin 21/2011, 39–44
  20. ^ Albert Hellwig: Homosexuality and criminal law reform . In: DMW - German Medical Weekly . tape 37 , no. February 07 , 1911, ISSN  0012-0472 , p. 312-313 , doi : 10.1055 / s-0028-1130469 .
  21. Text of the article
  22. Text of the article
  25. Full text of the dissertation
  26. Full text of the article