Albert Miles

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Albert Miles (mentioned 1504–1529) was from 1514 to 1522 librarian at the St. Gallen monastery .


His father Hildebrand M. was mayor of Lichtensteig and Obervogt zu Iberg . His uncle was the well-known dean and chronicler Hermann Miles , who was attested as a conventual when he was elected abbot in 1504. In 1514 Albert was appointed custos and in this function was also responsible for the monastery library . In 1529 he became a sub-priority and took an oath on February 20, 1529 to remain faithful to the Catholic faith. Nevertheless, in the same year he confessed to the Reformation and married the daughter of the mayor of Schaffhausen , Payer. He received a trousseau, with which he acquired the citizenship of St. Gallen .


predecessor Office successor
Johannes Schmid von Steinheim Librarian of St. Gallen
1514–1522 Custos
Konrad Haller