Albert Wojnilower

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Albert Martin Wojnilower (born February 3, 1930 in Vienna ) is an Austro-American economist.


Albert Martin Wojnilower's father Theodore Wojnilower came from Snjatyn and worked as a lawyer in Vienna, his mother Lissy Koppel came from Chernivtsi . After Austria's annexation in 1938, Wojnilower's family fled to the Netherlands and ended up in the USA in 1939.

Wojnilower studied at Columbia University , received an MA in 1951 and received his doctorate there in 1960. From 1951 he worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and made a career there quickly. Wojnilower married Sue Freudenfels, born in Liberec in 1932 , who fled to the USA in 1938, they have four children. In 1963/64 he worked at the First National City Bank of New York and from 1964 as chief economist at the First Boston Corporation in New York City, from 1966 as one of the vice-presidents. In 1986 he retired from the day-to-day business of the bank in the role of Senior Adviser.

Wojnilower specialized in business cycle forecasts, monetary theory and financial theory. He taught at Baruch College in the 1960s and then taught as Adjunct Professor of Finance at New York University . Since 1974 he has been teaching at the New York University School of Business Administration . In 1974, during Gerald Ford's presidency , he was appointed to the President 's Council of Economic Advisers .

Fonts (selection)

  • The government and the size distribution of income in the United States (a conceptual study) . Master thesis. 1951
  • Changes in the quality of business loans of commercial banks . Dissertation Columbia University. 1960
  • The quality of bank loans: a study of bank examination records . New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1962
  • The Central Role of Credit. Crunches in Recent. Financial history . Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, vol. 2, 1980, pp. 277-339


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