Albinas Bagdonas

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Albinas Bagdonas (* 1941 in Zobielija, Wolost Šilalė , now the Rajongemeinde Šilalė ) is a Lithuanian psychologist.


After graduating from secondary school in 1960, Albinas Bagdonas studied at Vilniaus universitetas from 1960 to 1963 and from Lomonosov University in Moscow from 1963 to 1966, and from 1966 to 1969 as an apprentice at the Institute of Developmental Biology in Moscow. In 1970 he received his doctorate on the subject of dynamic properties of sensory neurons ("Sensorinių neuronų dinaminės savybės") and became a candidate in biology. In 2006 he completed his habilitation in biology on the subject of dynamic properties of auditory and tendon neurons of rabbits (lit. "Triušio klausos ir regos neuronų dinaminės savybės"). From 1969 he taught at the Vilniaus universitetas, from 1974 as a lecturer , from 1973 head of the research laboratory, from 2002 as a professor .

1962 and 1972 he won bronze in self-defense - rings in Soviet Lithuania .

From 1989 he was a member of Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija . 1989–1992 he was president of the Lithuanian Psychological Association ( Lietuvos psichologų sąjunga ).
