Albrecht Schirmacher

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Albrecht F. Schirmacher (born February 15, 1954 in Hanover ) is a German business journalist and publisher.


Schirmacher studied economics and modern history at the University of Hamburg and at the University of St Andrews , Scotland . After holding positions at Hamburger Abendblatt , Neue Presse (Hanover) , Capital and Börsen-Zeitung , he moved to Platow Brief in Frankfurt am Main in 1990 as editor-in-chief and managing director .

Since 1999 he has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of information services at Springer Science + Business Media . This includes above all the letter from Platov. He was also a member of the management of Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH until March 2013 . In March 2013, Schirmacher took over the Platow Brief as part of a management buyout. Schirmacher is married and has four children.


  • “Investment for winners - profit despite the crisis”, Gabler 2001, ISBN 3409119256
  • “The investment strategies of the capital market elite. Use opportunities - manage risks ”, Gabler 2006, ISBN 3834903973

Individual evidence

  1. PLATOW media