Albrecht Schweppe

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Albrecht Schweppe (born May 21, 1783 in Nienburg / Weser ; † May 23, 1829 in Lübeck ) was a German legal historian and judge of the early 19th century.

Schweppe studied law at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen from 1800 and was awarded a doctorate there in 1803 with his dissertation De querela inofficiosi testamenti. iur. PhD. He initially worked as a private lecturer in Göttingen and in 1805 received a call to Kiel, where he became an extraordinary professor in 1805 and a full professor in 1814. In 1818 he received the call to return to Göttingen as a full professor. In Göttingen he alternately read legal history and civil procedure law in winter and the pandects in summer on the basis of his own system published in 1806.

In 1822 he became a judge at the Higher Appeal Court of the four Free Cities in Lübeck and stayed there until his untimely death.


  • De querela inofficiosi testamenti (dissertation), Göttingen 1803
  • Draft of a system of pandects , 1806; 3rd edition 1812
  • The system des concurses of creditors , 1812, 2nd edition 1824
  • Roman legal history and antiquities , 1822 and 1826
  • System of Roman Private Law , 1814–15; 2. u. 3rd edition 1819 and 1822; 4th edition Part 1 and 2 1828, the following 3 parts (3–5) were published by Johann Wilhelm Mejer in 1830, 1832 and 1833 after his death .



  1. Cf. Johann Adam von Seuffert : Discussions of individual teachings of Roman private law, on the use of his Pandect lectures according to Albrecht Schweppe's guide. Stahel, Würzburg 1820–1821.