Aleksander Gudzowaty

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Aleksander Gudzowaty (born September 22, 1938 in Łódź , † February 14, 2013 in Warsaw ) was a Polish entrepreneur. He was one of the richest Poles of his time. Although part of his fortune had already passed to his son at the time, it was estimated at around 200 million euros in the annually updated list of riches in the Polish edition of Forbes magazine in 2013.


Aleksander Gudzowaty was the son of Eliasz and Aleksandra Gudzowaty. The family lived in simple circumstances in Łódź. Eliasz Gudzowaty originally worked as an Italian teacher in Lviv , in Łódź he worked in a machine factory. Aleksandra Gudzowata was a chemical laboratory assistant.

Gudzowaty graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the University of Łódź . From 1975 to 1979 he worked as a representative for two Polish export companies in the textile industry in Moscow . He was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party . After returning to Poland, Gudzowaty worked as the head of the export department at PHZ Kolmex SA , a railway supplier; most recently he was managing director there. Shortly after reunification , he lost his job.


As he had good contacts in the Russian economy from his time in the Soviet Union, Gudzowaty was able to establish himself as a middleman in gas trade between Russia (the seller was Gazprom ) and Poland (the buyer was Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA ). Initially, gas was bought on a barter basis . In return, Gudzowaty delivered food and industrial products to Russia.

PHZ Bartimpex, founded in 1990 (since 1993 the company traded as SA ), established its fortune. Like other functionaries of the Polish Foreign Trade Ministry who had previously been members of the Communist Workers' Party, Gudzowaty was one of the winners after the fall of the Wall. As early as 1997, the American business magazine Global Finance listed the entrepreneur among the 600 most influential people in the world.

Over the gas trading is Bartimpex also at the Europol Gaz involved, the part of the Yamal-Europe pipeline operates. The Bartimpex was the first Polish company that a branch in Iraq opened. Gudzowaty planned to be involved in major infrastructure projects in Iraq. In 2006, Aleksander and Tomasz Gudzowaty sold shares in the insurance company Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji CIGNA STU SA to Wiener Städtische . Gudzowaty was also involved in an American-Polish arms purchase as part of a compensation deal. The contract value for the acquisition of 46 General Dynamics F-16 fighter aircraft was $ 700 million. Gudzowaty also invested in the Polish biofuel sector.


After the reunification, the entrepreneur was close to the post-communist party SLD .

Gudzowaty was considered eccentric and generous. He made a contribution to the Polish-Israeli friendship; the city of Jerusalem honored him several times.

His son from his first marriage to Grażyna Gudzowata is Tomasz Borys Gudzowaty (* 1971), a photographer and award winner of the international World Press Photo Foundation , POYi - Pictures of the Year International and the NPPA - National Press Photographers Association (“The Best of Photojournalism "). In February 2010 Gudzowaty married Danuta Korycka for the second time.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Forbes Polska : 100 Najbogatszych Polaków 2013 ( Memento from June 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (Polish)
  2. a b c A. R. Rich List. For the fourth time, Jan Kulczyk tops the list of the 100 richest Poles ranked by Wprost weekly every year at Warsaw Voice Online on June 26, 2003 (in English, accessed on March 23, 2013)
  3. according to Thomas Urban , The euphoria vanishes, the hope remains at from May 17, 2010 (accessed on March 23, 2013)
  4. ^ The Global Finance 600 , October 1997, p. 27 (accessed April 25, 2013)
  5. Press release Russian monopoly increases stake in Europol Gaz, but pays more for gas transit of the Russian Agency for International Information RIA Novosti of October 27, 2009 (accessed on March 23, 2013)
  6. Information on the first Polish company in Iraq on the Polskie Radio website from August 18, 2003 (accessed on March 23, 2013)
  7. Press release Wiener Städtische receives the green light for the purchase of the majority share in the Polish CIGNA STU SA from APA-OTS (Austria Press Agency) on March 16, 2006
  8. ^ Kai-Olaf Lang, Poland's Democratic Left Alliance - a post-post-communist party? From the Alliance SLD to the SLD Party , p. 5 , in: Current Analyzes , Issue No. 4/2000 from January 10, 2000 at the Federal Institute for Eastern and International Studies (accessed on March 23, 2013)
  9. according to Gabriele Lesser, eccentric billionaire in the taz from February 15, 2013 (accessed on March 23, 2013)

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